Chapter 7

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- Ouch!! You said, twitching as Narancia went a little too hard on your brow bone.

After Illuso's visit, you had to take a little rest and get slight medical attention.

Bucciarati was looking outside, silent as the casual meeting unfolded. Mista, watching from afar, thought to himself that he would tend to your wounds himself later.

For now, Fugo took the wheel, every gesture he made showed his respect and care towards you.

Ever since you had found a cure to his poison, he felt like he owed you a lot, but kept this to himself, faithful as he was to his calm demeanor, on the surface.

Inside, he felt hopeful thanks to you.

But all hope was to be put on hold, as the squadra's visit shook Bucciarati's reputation in the hierarchy.

Mista told his boss about the pictures taken of you and them, smiling and walking around, sharing your (sometimes poisonous) food, and their friendly attitude towards a potential enemy.

Nothing but strict obedience could be done to repair the damage.

If the boss ever requested something difficult implying you, your new friends could not say no, lest they were ready to risk it all.

Feeling guilty, you kept your head down, unsure, right in front of the carpet withholding your potential key to freedom. But this was not even an option to you. Not now, not ever, after their demonstrations of trust in you.

Mista saw you looking, but the flow of thoughts drowned him anew. Why were you looking at the key like that? Would the boss attack them if he doubted Bucciarati that much?

How could you be that pretty with wacky band-aids on your face? Were you noticing him staring at you?

To be honest, you felt his glances on you as if it was a hand patting your back. But you didn't mind.

Resolutions were taken : you'd relive the life you first had arriving here, locked up, no training, no one eating by your side etc.

You just nodded. You'd train alone in your room anyway.

A few hours after this, you were actually exercising as you had planned.

Apart from your stand, you had to prepare your own body to certain situations, plus it made you feel better, even if you knew sports were not always your thing.

When you burst out of your bubble, you heard a faint knocking on the door. "Come in" you said, as you turned your back on the door to grab a towel.

"I thought you might have liked these, y/n..." mumbled Mista, handing you a handful of sweets.

- you don't need me to make these taste good, they're sweet enough already. you laughed.

- I don't need you for this but maybe I need y...he tried to say, as he felt he needed to either confess, or just try to flirt, to see what would happen.

You interrupted without even thinking : - and I just exercised, bro, this won't help. you cringed instantly. Him too.

- Bro?! he thought. That nervous answer was so clumsy you wanted to hide in a corner, when you saw his micro expression.

His back on the door, Mista was ready to just go and process the whole interaction..

And as you approached to take one candy from his hand, you used the other to reach for the doorknob to playfully kick him out.

Thus he was "stuck" in front of you, standing with your arms half extended in front of him, as if to hug him. It all happened in a second.

You both got really close as this unfolded. You could see Mista's expression from up close and felt electricity in the air.

Sowing the Seeds (JJBA Mista x Fem Reader) Where stories live. Discover now