Chapter 1: Party and Departure

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There Estella stood on the grand stairs of the palace ballroom along with eight other girls who were in the same position she was. Except, they were not placed at a lower spot than their "sister" and deliberately dressed down just so their "sister" could shine brighter. She was okay with this. The less she stood out easier her escape was. She already knew all exits and where they went as this entire group had to rehearse this degrading show of beauty as they and the men on the other side, who come of age at 21, headed down to meet their partners for the first dance.

There were more men than women, about six more, so, some of the men danced with a woman from last year's event that had yet to be married or a female family member. Estella was unfortunately paired with Matthew Jona Galvis. The future Duke. How much she wanted to punch him in the face and ruin those handsome looks, if not for those things that happened in the book, but for his treatment of her.

"I see you still are trying to lead," Matthew commented rudely as they danced.

"If you didn't dance while staring at my look-alike, maybe you actually could lead." Estella retorted back.

"Abigail Mills..." He spoke but she responded quickly by taking a step and using her whole body to whip him around.

"I am older than her." She let the name slide. No one outside that crazy family need should know her name though she doubts they even remembered. "And honestly. I am older than you." He tried to break down her leading steps.

"Coming from a child that does not know her place."

"And this comes from a man-child that cannot accept rejection." She smirked knowing the outcome of his affection for that brat. "Can I tell you one thing?"

"What potential wisdom could you give me?"

"No wisdom, just a reality check." They continued with Estella still leading. "You won't win against the second prince." His face turned sour. "I am not lying. He will propose to her tonight. " Estella said bluntly.

He nearly stopped but got his focus back when she pinched his arm. "You must be joking."

"I am not. Look at how nervous he is." She pointed out. "That man has already agreed and so has the His Majesty." Estella looked at the anger creeping over his face. She then stated her opinion. "Why do you like that little girl anyway? Your personalities would clash after a while."

"What do you mean?"

"You are so enamored with her looks you forget. She behaves like a lady that isn't ready to grow up." He had a look of confusion. "You don't remember her throwing a tantrum because I was placed next to her. They changed my partner to you because of her." She could see his gears turning. "What about when one of the girls accidentally stepped on her dress? Or the time..."

"I see what you mean." He stopped her as he also agreed those behaviors were uncalled for. She smirked at him and relented the lead. Much to his surprise.

"I won't be here to console you when it happens." The song came to an end and they distance themselves from one another. "Too bad our first nice conversation will be our last. Have a nice evening." She curtseyed and turned away.

He reached out and grabbed her arm. Why did he do this was unknown to him. It must be because she looks like Angelica.

Estella leaned in close and whispered. "I don't have a middle name." She yanked her arm free as he stood there in silence.

This time he couldn't take his eyes off her. He wondered if what she said was true and what would happen to her now. Middle names were reserved for nobles and royalty. He thought she was being punished for bad behavior by not having her middle name called. Making it seem like she was a troublemaker. Meaning, that Abigail was not adopted, but just picked up off the streets. Making her free to do as she pleased, but also a charity case. 

Estella muttered curse words as she went up to David. "Brother, can I go home now?"

"Yes, I already got the carriage waiting for you." David smiled at her. She had come so far since that day. She is much healthier now than he ever remembered her. "Tom is taking you back."

"Thank you." She chimed. "Bye, brother, and have fun."

"Bye." He said as Angelica came bounding over. He looked at his sister and then at where Estella once was only to find her gone.

"Brother, can you have the next dance with me," Angelica said as she smiled brightly up at her dark-haired brother.

"Uh, yes." He looked back again not able to shake the feeling that was the last time he was going to see her.

Estella got back to Count Millstones' house and quickly went to her room where a warm fire was waiting for her. She changed out of that dress and corset and then put on men's pants with suspenders and shoes. She also put on a fitting tunic. She looked around and picked up a pair of scissors and sat in front of the mirror. She bit her lip as she tied her hair back. Taking a breath she started to chop her long beautiful blonde hair off. Leaving it barely at chin's length.

She had to take a breath to not cry as she looked at the locks in her hand. She got to her feet and set up her bed to make it look like she was in it. She tucked her hair in where her head would have been. Estella opened a trunk at the end of the bed and pulled out a makeshift bag. She took it and tied it around her waist and threw on a large shirt to cover the bag and a hat.

She stopped at the desk and pulled out a letter she had rewritten many times. Placing it in full view she left quietly out through the servant's gate. Estella's heart pounded as she went past the guards and headed into the city disappearing as she had said. She felt happy and excited as she made her way to the city gates.

When they came into view she smiled to herself as she was allowed to pass. Just a quarter-mile out she was met with the group that could get her closest to the border.

"There HE is." The old wagon driver said with a grin. "Got my payment?"

"I got it." She lifted the shirt and pulled out a red coin bag and tossed it to him as his group watched.

"It is all there." He gave a nod and tossed it to a burly-looking man. "Hop in. We should get moving."

"Yes, sir." She quickly fixed herself and hopped in the wagon as a few others did.

"Elle, I am so glad you made it!" Another blonde chimed.

"Annie, I missed you." The two girls hugged. "I snagged something for everyone." She untied the pack and pulled out a small box and held it out for them. "It is chocolate." Annie took the box and opened it. "There are two different types. The dark and milk. The milk is sweet, the dark isn't."

"This is the thing those rich folk is going on about?"

"Yes, Christofer. I suggest the dark for you." Elle told him as she got the pack tied back around her.

"Oh, my... This is delicious." Annie said after taking her a milk piece.

Everyone else took a piece and thanked Elle after trying it. They all chatted until one by one dozed off. Elle had the hardest time as she was not used to the movement, but she soon joined the others in a state of rest.

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