Chapter 2: Charity Case

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"Master David?" A man said as he knocked on the door.

"Come in," David replied as she looked up from his paperwork. "What is it, Fred?"

"Miss Abigail has not eaten anything all day and she is not answering the door," Fred told him.

"I got it. I will go check on her." David got up and looked out his window. He really should have her room moved so she can see the outside. His eyes scanned the garden and they stopped on the swing. He closed his eyes and pictured the day he took her outside after the incident.


She was quiet as her eyes studied everything around her. Then she started to lead the way right to the garden swing...

"Why did you let her wait? She waited so long hoping her brother would push her again." Her fingers touched the rope as sadness filled her eyes.

"I could push you now." He offered with a smile.

"She is not here. So it is a useless kindness." It ended there. He never got to push her in that swing even though he did see her sitting in it a few times, but every time he head out she was already gone.

"Master David?"

"Hm, yes." He walked out of the office and headed to her room. There he saw her lunch which she never skipped. Two maids were waiting as they kept their eyes down. He knocked on the door and when no reply came that feeling for last night welled up from the depths. He swung the door open the room was pitch dark.

"Get the fire and the candles lit." He told the maids. They quickly got to work as David approached the bed. He could see her hair even in the darkness. "Gail." He said was because they were in front of the maids. "Get up, sister." He touched her hair as the room started to light up. Then his heart sank and he went around and uncover the form of rolled-up sheets and pillows. He picked up the hair that was kept together by a ribbon he bought her. He slunk into the desk chair. The two maids took off to spread the news to the masters of the house.

David looked at the hair and the ribbon. He should have listened to his gut. Maybe he could have stopped her. He looked around the dress was thrown over the lounger and the jewelry was on the desk. She left right after she got home. Then he saw the note as fast-paced clicks came down the hall.

"So she finally ran away." Angelica looked into the room and saw the hair in her brother's hand and a letter in the other. "Oh, did she say why she ran away like a spoiled brat?" She walked in, leaving her two maids outside the door, over to her brother to look at the letter. She got huffy as she saw it only said.

"I will miss you, Brother David."

"Is that she put?!" Angelica whined. "How ungrateful!"

"Shush." David got to his feet. "What did she have to be grateful for?" He glared at her. "Got got a new family, but only because she looks like you. Then when we finally got you back that same year instead of gaining a sister she got a bully and one of her brothers completely stopped talking to her along with the woman that's supposed to be a mother to her."

"What about all the clothing and..."

"Stop, that was all hand-me-downs from you." He stated. "The only time she got something brand new was when I got it for her. She didn't even have an allowance."

"Of course, because she was never adopted," Angelica told him in a snarky tone.

"What?!" David looked at her confused and then speed walked for his father's office.

"Huff, I am glad she is gone," Angelica said as she looked at the bed remembering the one time she got her mad. She couldn't remember much but she could not forget the words that made her go silent.

"I never once asked to be your replacement. I just wanted a family."

"This..." She scoffed as she exited the room and headed to see her mother. Who must be loving the news that the moocher is gone.

"Mistress Angelica, should we clean out the room?"

Angelica stopped and looked back at the open doorway. "No, close it and do not do anything till father says."

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