Answers 11

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Ladon:aight,were back to this again

Nagaro:mmm,it is always quite peaceful

Kai:what are we doing and who are you people

Seere:you'll get used to it quickly,trust Me

Kai:who are you??

Berlin:we're answering questions given by the readers,don't think too much about it


Shadow:on to the questions!!!

King:we got a decent amount of questions but only 4 people left them

Em:good enough,it will suffice afterall

Freedom:let's not waste time then!!!

Ladon:coming from our loyal returnee that's almost always here,@WonShen "To Shadow, Seere, and Kai. Thoughts and relationship with Principal Theresa Apocalypse?"

Shadow:Theresa is a lot older than Me but she respects my authority and I respect her's,even as the Captain of Shicksal,she still has a good amount of power over the Valkyries,she's often one to pull Me out work and we get along quite well

Seere:she's nice,I haven't spoken to her much but I know her history,her origins,the secrets she keeps,what she likes,what she hates,I know it all,but other than that,we're not exactly close

Kai:ummm,the Principal is nice I guess,very accepting and very reasonable,from what I know,she's alot older than she looks and I can tell that she's very experienced in leading,I have no doubt that the students of St.Freya will go far places under her teachings

Em:another one from @WonShen ,he asks "To everyone. What would you do if your are forced in a dimension where you can't access your powers but you can access your base strength and skills as well as your weapon? Only one"

Freedom:find a way out

Nagaro:assess the situation

Royal:search for an exit

Berlin:look for an escape


Seere:leave,if I keep at least one weapon,then I obviously keep the Undine's Tale,I'd just rift to the Sea and leave

Shadow:if I can keep a weapon,then I'd keep the Apollo's Dream,it tells Me my location and surroundings,on top of that,it can open portals and bring Me out of worlds,I'd just portal back to my room in my mansion

Kai:search for a way out I guess

King:look for a way out

Em:search for a exit is the only logical action


Kai:uhh,next one if from @WonShen again and he asks "To PK and Shota Squad. Favorite meal and from who? As in who cooked it for you."

Freedom:Big Sis NJ's Bacon & Eggs!!

Nagaro:Lady Amagi's Sushi,I suppose

Berlin:Z46's mashed potatoes

Royal:Neptune's Steak

King:Neptune's Steak as well

Blitz:Roon's Bratwurst

Em:Ibuki's Rice Balls

Shadow:last one from @WonShen ,"To Ladon. Wanna play poker till your next story."

Ladon:sure,why not,got nothing better to do

Seere:next up is from another loyal reader and it's @Sgt_Jibz ,who asks "to the PK if u guys got transported in a game which is based on a very, I would say part of an operation in ww2, but u guys have no powers at all if so what weapons will u have when onboard on a landing craft"

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