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I hear the phone ringing for the fifth time tonight, I try and block it out knowing exactly who it is, knowing only he would call this many times this late.

I have the sudden urge to answer it, or maybe to answer and ask to speak to the girl I know he's fucking. A gut feeling pulls me out from under my covers and down the winding stairs into the kitchen where I hear my telephone making a combination of buzzes and ear-piercing rings.

I trudge over to the sink and star deeply into the bold letters that read BLOCKED NUMBER. Something about the bold letters is enticing and inviting me to swipe right on that little phone button, to put him on speaker phone and yell about how much I miss him.

The other part of me wants to turn my phone all the way off and go back upstairs. I am stuck between the two until the phone stops ringing, I guess it chose for me.

I start to make the trek back to my bed when my gut pulls me right back over to my phone. A force makes me dial that number... his number. The beeps as I press the characters, music to my ears. That piercing ring, the ring my brain tells me to hate, tells me to hate him, knows that he's bad for me, knows that I have ruined myself for him, but the heart wants what it wants.

"Hello" his accent rings through my ears and I melt, the fire started back up in my soul, one word from him to strike the match that would set my whole life ablaze. I wish it didn't, but I think I've made it quite obvious that I have no self-control when it comes to him. "y/n, is this you, please tell me this is you; I've fucked up bad, and yes I'm drunk, but don't they say you're the most honest when you're drunk, talk to me please y/n, talk to me" something inside me liked his begging.

He was practically on his knees for me and my mind was racing, all the sleep being swept away by his cool breathing down the phone, I couldn't help but- "come over" I whispered enough for him to hear but not enough for me to believe it. "y/n/n I'm already outside" I rushed to the door finding him drenched in the rain that had been tapping at my window all night long.

"Jesus Alex how long have you been out here, you're soaked" I pulled him into the house, turning to go get him a towel, yet he grabbed my wrist pulling me into a deep kiss, holding me tight as if I let go he would crumble. "You did this to yourself you know? Feeling the way you did?" I tell him, still centimeters away from his face.

"I know y/n, but I'm better and I was dumb, please I need you in my life, look at me, I'm a mess for you" I'd be lying if I said that when I went to bed at night it didn't feel cold and silent. Lying if I said that I didn't miss his belly laughs or the way he hummed while doing the dishes, the way he yelled at the tv screen during football matches or the way he shushed me when his favorite song came on.

So, I decided to tell the truth. "I miss you Alexander, like I've never missed anything before" he pulled me back in, his hair now dripping onto my forehead. "Never leave me again?" He whispered sounding the most desperate I've ever heard him. "Never."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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