I'll Look After You (chubby harry)

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Louis had always been nurturing and motherly. It was in his nature. So naturally, it made sense for him to be a stay at home boyfriend, doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry... all of that domestic stuff that he enjoyed, while his boyfriend Harry made the money.

Harry, was a writer. He'd been a struggling author for years, but his most recent novel had been a huge success, which was how he found himself with a 3 book contract. A 3 book contract with a very daunting release schedule.

"Hi my love," Louis said, walking into Harry's office where he was slouched over his desk, lips pursed, as he sat clicking his pen over and over. He came and stood behind him, his dainty hands resting on Harry's broad shoulders. He massaged them gently, "you look stressed."

"It's that obvious?" Harry sighed, setting his pen down and rubbing his hand down his face. "I just... I've been sitting here for like.. 3 hours, and haven't had a single idea. How am I supposed to write 3 follow up books, when I wasn't even planning on my novel becoming a series?"

"Oh honey..." Louis pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. "I think you're just overthinking it. Why don't you come have some dinner, and you can start fresh tomorrow?"

Harry sighed, but nodded. Getting up from his chair and loosening his tie. Louis never understood why Harry got all dressed up when he worked from home, but Harry insisted it was part of his 'process' and kept him focused, whatever the hell that meant.

"I made your favorite," Louis smiled, taking off his pink checkered apron and dishing up a plate of chicken Alfredo, with thick homemade noodles, and the creamiest sauce, that Harry always added bacon bits in. He also placed a hefty piece of garlic bread on the plate and a rather larger glass of wine to wash it all down with.

"Oh lou... this looks fucking amazing" Harry's mouth practically watered at the sight. "Thank you, I really was blessed with the best."

Louis blushed, and giggled softly. "I could say the same." He then fixed himself his own plate with much smaller portions, and a side of broccoli, which he knew Harry would never eat. Vegetables were probably the only thing in the world that the man wouldn't eat.

Louis watched as Harry ate, some color coming back to his exhausted face, and he couldn't help but smile. "Damn, this seriously is the best thing you've ever made darling" Harry said, as he shoveled another bite into his mouth eagerly.

"Only the best for you babe," Louis said, feeling a warmth flutter in his chest. He loved to take care of his Harry, and even more he loved to see him happy and overfed, which he'd been seeing a lot more of recently.

He ended up giving Harry seconds, and then thirds, and couldn't help but watch. He'd taken a liking to watching Harry eat. He didn't understand why, but he just loved it. His stomach swirled with butterflies while he watched.

Eventually Harry had had his fill, and unbuttoned his pants, needing to give his bloated belly a little room. "I think I overdid it," he mumbled, muffling back a belch into his fist, and Louis felt himself flush. What was it about this that had him feeling this way?

"Oh? So I guess you don't have room for dessert then," Louis said, a bit sadly. He'd been slaving away the last couple hours in the kitchen baking a delicious chocolate cake.

"Dessert?" Harry's eyes flitted up to him, "I suppose I could go for something sweet."

"Okay, great!" Louis bit back a smile, "sit tight, I'll be right back."

He pulled the cake out of the fridge and made sure to give Harry a very generous slab. "Triple chocolate, with raspberry filling" louis told him when he returned with the plate. His voice had wavered at the sight of him. He'd unbuttoned his white dress shirt and was leaning back in his chair, a tiny curve showing on his belly, due to his recent eating habits.

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