Chapter 1: Home

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It was only supposed to be a normal visit home but it turned into something a hell of a lot difficult to deal with...

Driving down the highway at night, windows down, music filling the tranquil silence outside with melodies of the music. It was 8:37pm at night and I was still driving like I have been doing all day so I could reach home in Washington, Fork's, I was hoping to get back home before my birthday in a few weeks time.

Me and Jake's birthday was something that every year we celebrate together with our dad but for the last year or two I've been in England studying to be a historian because of my love or history, Jake wasn't fond of the idea of me moving to England just so I could study to be a historian but he respected my decision to do so and for my dream career, it was hard leaving home and leave everything I knew behind but in the end it's not like I could stay living with my brother and dad all my life.




"Jesus Christ"

I flinched alittle when my phone rang out of the blue which made me grip the stirring wheel as I let out a deep breath and answered the call, it was Jake, he was wondering how far away I was.

"Jake I'll get there when I get there okay, why aren't you asleep by now? Don't you have school tomorrow?"

Jake)"I'm too excited that my little sister is coming home to even think about sleep, yh I have school tomorrow but nothing coffee can't fix"

"Your starting to sound like me J after cramming for a unexpected test, I'm about 5 mile's until I get into Fork's so I'm not that far away"

Jake)"Okay, you be safe okay? I'll see you in alittle bit then"

"You betcha"

Once I hung up I turned up the radio as one of my favourite songs started to play making me sing along, it didn't take long until I drove past the welcome sign for Fork's then into town seeing a few people walking around, about 10 to 15 minutes later I was driving down the driveway to my childhood home and parked up outside.

Almost immediately to front door swung open as I jumped out of my truck to receive a big bear hug from Jake as he spun me around alittle then put me down, he was smiling like an idiot but I didn't care I was just glad I was finally home, I looked passed his shoulder to see dad in his wheelchair on the front porch also with a smile on his face so I asked Jake if he could get my bags as I go and talk to dad.

"Hey dad, how you feeling nowadays?"

Dad)"Good as ever, did you cut your hair? It's shorter now"

"Oh yh, I did"

Dad)"Does that mean?"

"That I shifted? Yes, yes I did. About 6 month's ago actually"

He was worried I could tell even if he tried to hide it but I gave him a reassuring smile as we went inside closely followed by Jake with a few of my bags, he asked where I wanted them so I told him to put them in my room for now then he went back out to grab the last bag and my guitar, it was a gift from a friend she even show he how to play it.

Jake)"I didn't know you could play"

"Hahaha well I can now, I play for you at the next bon fire we have, now you off to bed we can talk more tomorrow morning"

He groaned not wanting to go to bed just yet but I gave him 'I'm serious' face which he knew not to push me or his lunch for that matter so he sulked off to he room to hopefully get some sleep before he has to get up for school tomorrow morning, once I knew he was in his room I sat down on the sofa letting a sigh slip.

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