Chapter 13

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The walk back home for Miles was quiet. With his footsteps being the only sound he could hear, the only thought stuck on a loop in his mind was everything that happened in the last few hours between him and Cindy. Miles was heated that Gwen didn't tell him about them being together. This whole time, he believed that Gwen was single the entire time, until today. In his head, he thought he could have a chance with her, but no! His whole future fell when Gwen connected her lips with someone else's.

Miles knew the next time he caught her, she was going to kill him.

Pushing her into a portal with his watch that leads to Gwen's universe, was she ever going to come back? Of course! That's if she manages to find Gwen, though.

Miles can see a familiar structure in the distance. He believed his parents were asleep, seeing that his house was completely dark. Miles was relieved to know that he doesn't have much to walk now. The pain in his legs told him they were overused.

Pulling out the keys from his pocket, Miles inserted the key into the keyhole and turned the lock, unlocking the front door. The teen entered the cold and dark living room just to be met with no one waiting for him, not that he was complaining. Miles didn't mind having anyone around at the moment. He wants to be alone for a while and let everything sink in one at a time, the hardest being Gwen, and with it being midnight, he felt it was a perfect time.

Miles stared at his ceiling, wide awake. His frown could kill anyone if someone was to see it. There was no visible light source in his room other than his window. The light from the streets below allowed a hint of light to enter, but not enough to see his exhausted face.

He changed into his nightclothes, preparing himself to sleep, but the scene of seeing his crush kissing someone else stung him. He felt betrayed for some odd reason, like a family member stabbing him in the back. But he shouldn't be mad right? It's not like he owns Gwen. He can't tell her what to do and not what to do. But it just hurts seeing her with someone else.

Miles turned to his side, his face staring at his desk, where he placed all his sketches. He remembered he drew a couple of sketches in his book of the gang when they were transported to his universe. Miles kept this to himself, but he secretly missed all of them. He wanted to visit them, but he's scared that they may be busy and that he'll disturb them.

Knowing that he won't sleep for a while, Miles decided to check up on some of the drawings he made a while back. It's been a while since the last time he viewed it, and he thought maybe some nostalgia might take the negativity off his head.

Jumping out of bed, Miles grabbed his black sketchbook which had a couple of stickers on the cover and brought it back to his bed. Miles opened the book, and his attention went to one of the first sketches he created. Looking at it right now, he couldn't help but cringe the first time he tried to sketch. There were numerous mistakes that he spotted immediately. The lines weren't straight, and some of the colours went over the line. This triggered him slightly, but who can blame someone for their first time?

Over the page were a couple of rough sketches of his family members on the left and right pages. With this sketch, he remembered he showed his art to his parents, and they were generally impressed with it. The most memorable part of the memory was that they loved it, making Miles feel warm inside, something he wished he was feeling now.

As Miles looked to the right page, he drew his family with his mom and dad behind him in the front. He added smiles to their faces with the word 'FAMILY' in bold letters behind all of them.

Flipping a couple of pages, Miles suddenly stumbles upon a nostalgic artifact that almost sent him back in time. With his eyes wide open, the teen looked down at his drawing of the spider gag.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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