Chapter 4: Bonding

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There are not enough words in the English Language to describe what Gwen is feeling right now. What's in front of her is someone she hasn't seen in almost an eternity. Gwen almost didn't recognise Miles at first, but when she looked at his hair, she immediately recognises him as that one kid who doesn't tie his shoelaces at all. "Miles, i-is that really you?", Gwen managed to ask.

"The last time I checked, I'm pretty sure I'm me so, yeah. It's the Miles you've always known.", Miles replied chuckling at the end. Without any hesitation, Gwen gave Miles a tight hug which caught Miles off guard, but Miles didn't hesitate to return the hug.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I did kinda miss you after we parted ways," Gwen said after they released from their hugs now looking up to Miles.

"Same here! It's been so different without you and the rest of the gang.", Miles replied remembering the time when Spider Gang was still together in his dimension. Those were good times, and also bad since Queens was in danger. 

Soon after, Gwen's food was called out and so she picked it up and walked back to Miles with her food in her hand. Miles smelled the food and thought it so delicious. He took a closer inspection and from that point forward, he knew where he's going to order the next time he comes back to the food court. "Ugh! The food court is almost full! Where we gonna sit?", Gwen asked in frustration. 

"Oh! Don't worry! My friends and I saved a sport for ourselves. You can join us if you want, we don't mind at all. Just follow me.", Miles suggested.

"Really? Thanks!"

If Gwen was gonna be honest, she's kinda nervous by the fact she's going to be meeting Miles' friend for the first time. How is going to greet them? Are they going to accept her? Are they nice? Gwen noticed that she's overthinking the situation and probably needs to relax. Yeah, that's right. Maybe she needs to think more positively, like, maybe they're cool and laid back. Funny perhaps? Without her knowing, both Miles and she are right in front of the table that Miles talk about. 

"Hey, guys! I want you to meet Gwen! Gwen, this is Ganke, you've met each other before in my dorm, remember?", Gwen waved to Ganke and he waved back with a massive amount of shock, "And Gwen, this is Cindy! She's a new kid that recently joined our school! She's basically new to our friend group." Miles explained.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Gwen!", Cindy extended her arm out to give Gwen a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you too!", Gwen replied and accepting the handshake. Cindy moved to the side to allow Gwen to sit next to her while the other boys sit on the opposite side of the table. It didn't take to long for the teens to start a conversation since Cindy seems to be a social person. As the group laughed and talk, Cindy asked a question for Miles. "So Miles, how did you meet Gwen?"

The question gave Gwen and Miles a nostalgic flashback to the first time they ever saw each other face back in BVA. Miles replied, "Man! It was a while ago when I met Gwen.", Miles started, "If I remember correctly, I met Gwen when I was late for class. Everyone was inside beside's me. When I entered the classroom, they were watching some documentary about something, I don't know what it was, but that's beside the point. As I was trying to sneak towards my seat, the teacher caught me halfway through. Soon after, I said some stupid joke. No one laughed for a couple of seconds until Gwen just came in with the loudest and most sarcastic laugh. Literally! Afterwards, I took a seat... And... Gwen, you finish the last of it."

"Well, as Miles sat down in his seat next to me, I told him that I liked his joke. I only laughed because it wasn't funny.", Gwen finished the last part of making the table laugh. 

"What was the joke that Miles said?", Cindy asked.

"I think it was, 'Einstein said that time was relative. Maybe I'm not late, maybe you guys were early.'", Gwen replied. 

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