zero ; part three

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THREE || the five rats

july 4th // 22:55 // 2016

Devi positively hated this place from the bottom of her heart.

It did not pass the vibe check, gave a creepy atmosphere and  Devi was pretty sure she'd seen at least two rats here—then looking at her left again—scratch that, at least five.

"I'm going to call them Monty, Bunty, Sundy, Lundy and Imli." she internally thought to herself.

"Goddess, are you good there?"

whatthelivingfuckamidoingheregodhelpmewhyamievenhereahhhhhhh— "I'm good, Tigress"

She was good.

Devi kind of regretted telling Dick she was ready for the field work, because he very conveniently ditched her with people, who she didn't even know. She couldn't blame him though, Wally had just died fourteen days ago and they were the best of friends.

Devi met Wally only a handful of times, but even she knew him well enough to miss him and couldn't imagine losing her own best friend.

If she wasn't wrong,  Tigress was his girlfriend at the time. When Devi came into the picture, Tigress had  faked her own death and was deep undercover.

Dick had told her all about it. He used it as an example, a warning. He told her this life had its consequences, that she'd need to make impossible decisions and keep her trust in the right people, otherwise it would fuck her up worse than it would otherwise.

Devi agreed.

She needed to find out a lot of things, this could be her one escape to.

"Goddess!" Tigress's voice shook her out of her head once again. This is a field mission Devi, get your fucking head on the fucking task or you're going to fuck this up.

Devi quickly walked to where Tigress was standing and looked over the files the older girl held.

"What's this?" she scrunched her eyebrows. In her defence, it was around eight thirty in the morning back home and she was jetlagged.

"The files," Tigress smirked, "The ones we need. We're done here."

"That easy?" she found herself mumbling, "Both Batgirl and Nightwing told me different stories."

Tigress chuckled briefly, "They're right. Team missions never go this well, usually there's something that happens or goes wrong," her expression suddenly turned serious, "You're not wrong either, this is easy. Way too easy."

Tigress walked past Devi, scanning around the large room once more with years of experience. This came naturally to Tigress, mission-ing around, finding stuff and ensuring it went according to plan. Goddess hoped she could do something of that sort on her own in the future too.

Devi looked around one of the shelfs, her hand accidentally knocking off a book.  Wincing, she  bent down to pick it up and that's when she saw it, or rather heard it. It was just a low buzzing noise but it was enough to  signal something was wrong.

After noticing that, another red—literally red—flag caught her eye, and it caught Tigress's too by the look of it.

Goddess felt her stomach drop as the older woman pulled her to one of the desks and put a finger onto her lips, motioning for Goddess to be quiet. She nodded, going behind Tigress as she walked towards the shelf opposite the one Devi was standing next to.

GODDESS ; young justiceWhere stories live. Discover now