Teen Idle (Virgil)

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Virgil Anx was already in 1st period classroom. He would never let himself accidentally skip class. This thought pestered him so much that he just decided to show up early so he didn't have to worry.

Virgil is even paler than Logan with dyed black hair with purple tips. His original hair color was blond. He stands at 5'11" which is why he was viewed as very attractive. Virgil was listening to an audiobook while he sat in the back of the classroom. He was wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt and baggy black sweatpants. He had on a purple and black patchy jacket too. His eyeshadow was heavily drawn on and he was chewing bubblegum.

He doesn't have anybody to ever hang out with because people assume he's a regular emo. The ones you hear about in movies. But Virgil is willing to open up. His freshmen year he went all out. He went to parties, got drunk, and even had sex with many people. Although that all went to shambles when one of the people he sexted sent Virgil's nudes to the whole school. Since then Virgil couldn't recover his social standings in the school. He was moved to the bottom of the list.

But that does come with some perks. If you're at the bottom, mostly everyone will leave you alone. Which gave Virgil plenty of time to observe everyone. He knows all the tea in the school and will give it to you, for a price of course.

He knew that Roman Prince cheated on his girlfriend with plenty of boys when he was still in denial about his sexuality. Although that was 2 years ago it still held some leverage over Roman's head.

He knew Logan Berry has a history of hooking up with his gym teacher. I mean, what else could possibly explain Logan's ability to get A's in gym class despite him sitting out ALL THE TIME! And him going to the gym, more times than he can count, after school. Virgil was certain that innocent, goody two shoes Logan had a dark secret.

He knew how Janus Dee got that scar. That one is very classified information though so don't expect Virgil to reveal that.

He knew that Remus Prince dealt drugs on the side. He knows because he's seen him deal. He dealt to Remy Slumbers mostly. Then Remy gives them to Emile and those go to pretty Patton.

And Virgil Anx knew much more about Patton Hart than anyone. After all, Patton was the one Virgil's been watching the most. It was hard not to figure out some secrets along the way. Patton Hart didn't care about anyone. So whatever you do don't get tangled up with-

Virgil's mind got disrupted by the first flow of students entering the classroom. Virgil saw his ex-boyfriend and knew he immediately needed to leave. Virgil rushed to the bathroom stall to take it in that he'd be in his first period with his ex.

Virgil was just about to leave when he heard someone enter the bathroom. He heard the man get into the stall beside him and unzip his pants. Virgil's face immediately went red as he realized the young man was doing and saying some unholy things in the stall next to him.

Virgil recognized the voice, Janus Dee! Holy shit.... Janus likes Patton?

Virgil stifled a laugh as he didn't want to be caught. Once he heard Janus leave the bathroom Virgil erupted into laughter.

Then he got an idea. Perhaps he could use this to his advantage. If he dated Patton he could move up the social standings again. And he gets to make the school tough guy jealous. This was a win-win in his book.

Virgil headed to class and saw Patton in the front row. He nodded at Patton and noticed his notepad. Kitten notepad. Virgil has always wondered what were the contents inside that notepad. He wandered to his seat in the back. He completely forgot about his ex as all he could think about was Janus and Patton. This year Virgil would try to climb the ranks in high school again. Virgil needed to date Patton, and find out what that goddamn notepad is.

(701 words) I am starting to think I may need more than 13 chapters to tell the story. But I'm not sure how I would fill in those chapters. If you'd like to contribute you can comment some ideas. I'll credit you if I do take inspiration from you comment (and follow you) Thank you!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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