Bubblegum Bitch (Patton)

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Patton Hart walks down the hallway of Sanders High School. It was the first day of his Senior year. He had a certain pep in his steps. He was one of the most popular guys in this school. He has got with everyone and has broken everyones' hearts. Although he's been with many guys he's not considered a slut because well, after all he can ruin anyone with a snap of his fingers.

Patton Hart is 5'4", he's really petite and honestly skinnier than most boys his age. He has blond short curly hair. Patton's eyes are a piercing baby blue. His face was very distinct with his huge round glasses, which are way too big for his face. He has tons of freckles all over his face that go all over his body. He has fairly olive skin. Today Patton was wearing a very short skirt. He had an extra big sweater on that revealed his collarbones. His skirt was black and had gray cat outlines on it, while the sweater was pink and knitted. The sweater slightly hung off his shoulders but not enough to be dress coded.

Patton winked at passing boys and grinned ear to ear when he saw his teachers. There were rumors he slept with his teachers to get passing grades. Of course those were just rumors no one knew for certain. Patton's boyfriends were nicknamed, "Bubblegum," because he was kind of like a person chewing bubblegum. He chewed up whoever he was dating and then spit them out when he got bored of them. He glanced at the large group gathered near. Two identical boys were in the group. One with a green highlight and the other red highlight in their hair.

Patton linked arms with Emile. That was Patton's right hand man. Emile was just like Patton personality wise. Although Emile had never been in a relationship. "Do you wanna see Frozen 2 with me in theaters?" Patton asked Emile while they walked. "Of course! We can go after school tomorrow," Emile grinned. Patton felt a piercing glare on his back. He wondered who it was so he turned to look. A boy with rectangular glasses seemed to be staring into space while watching Patton. He didn't seem to notice Patton turn around. Patton shrugged and looked back toward Emile.

No one messed with Emile. Patton made sure of that. Although Patton never liked Emile romantically he wanted to make sure no one would ever break Emile's heart so he made it extra hard for anyone to try to get with Emile.

Patton waved bye to Emile and walked to 1st period, which was all the way on the other side of the school. Once he got a steady pace he felt eyes on his butt. Patton sighed and decided to wait it out. Once he finally felt the eyes leave he turned around to see who was staring for so long. All he saw was a boy with a black beanie and a yellow leather jacket. Patton shrugged it off. He didn't mind much. Patton decided to walk inside his class, he sat in the front row and waited for everyone else to show up. As they walked in Patton watched them with his notepad in his hands.

Patton had a checklist of all of the guys he's slept with on a tiny notepad. The notepad had a kitten on the cover. He bit his pen as he waited for someone he hadn't gotten with to walk in.

The Prince twins, Logan Berry, Janus Dee, and Virgil Anx! Patton grinned as he wrote down these 5 names. He would've included Remy Slumber but he saw how Emile looked at Remy. He would never do something that shitty to Emile.

This would be a fun year at Sanders High, Patton thought as he put his pen back in his bag along with his notepad. 

(691 words) I've already got most of this story written out. I'm so excited to show you all! I recommend watching the video if you want to know what inspired Patton to act the way he does in my story. Thank you!

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