Headcannons (All)

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I got bored. So here are a few headcannons from each series.

OoO S2

- when it come to their pronouns, Magnus is like Iris. But they stab people instead of breaking kneecaps.

- All the girls used to have girls night once every week. But they wanted to let Magnus join in. So they changed it to 'gals and pals night'.

- Xylo is more of a mother then Cal, he just doesn't show it.

- soulmates exist in that world. And it's a type of soulmates in which they get a slight telepathic connection to each other. That's why Davis and Mania always know when the other is in trouble.

- Iroh doesn't actually have a problem with Davis, he just enjoys messing with him.

- Grug has a puppy. That also just happens to be a hellhound. But yeah, puppy.

OoO S3

- Kaya is strong enough to actually hurt Nad. They have just never tried it.

- the camp counselors keep offering to build a Nordic area. But the Nordics always refuse, because sleeping on the ground is comfortable to them.

- Xylo and Cal are married in Dina and Roja's time line.

- Nad is Danny's uncle.

- Danny is secretly a god. (This could actually be possible, cause some of the Egyptians, such as Cal, are just  reincarnated gods.)

- if Mitch and Marshie we're not together. Then Marshie and Lee would absolutely be a lesbian couple. (I miss them from FTO, okay? Leave me alone. 😂😂)


- Xylo and Kayla dated in highschool.

- The Doc thinks of Kayla and Charlie as his daughters. Which is why he is somewhat nice to them.

- Micheal and Cookie/Cordelia came from an abusive home. Which is the cause of there mental states.

- Leo, David, Lucas. Poly relationship.

- the only reason Xylo is so attached to hai bike is cause his sister made it for him from scratch.


- Mars and Hannah. Pack haven lesbians. (I have no idea how old they are. I'm assuming they are around the same age. If they aren't, then completely ignore this one. )

- Xylo x Mitch would have been an amazing couple if given the chance.

- Colin used to be really interested in werewolves. But his father abused him for it. So he stopped trying to learn about them.

- If Lucas and Brandon weren't brothers, they would be a couple.

- Micheal, The Imp, Doot, Daat, Devin, Lucas, Brandon, and Pierre have family game nights.

- the true alphas are all really close, if one of them calls, then they all will be there immediately.


- Blake is bisexual. She just gives off those vibes to me.

- Blake didn't know Shino was bisexual until he and Artemis started dating.

- Kacey is really protective. And will literally punch anyone who hurts her sister.

- Yuki is some type of gay. I honestly don't know. But there is no way she's straight.

- Rikku used to be everyone's favorite male at school, she then became everyone's favorite female at school.

- Ana thinks of Flex as a big brother.

- Venus and Avian invite Kiyo and Sapphire over to family dinners sometimes. Just to make Yuuto happy.


- Oliver is secretly the god of time.

- none of the Divinus Magia boys knew how to deal with Kit when she got her period. So they had to ask for help.

- Ritchie and Brandon cuddle with each other when nobody is looking. (Not a ship! In a clingy brother kind of way.)

- before he turned evil, Eden was a sarcastic king that everyone loved.

- Colin is Michael's non-biological son.

- Viper has always been super protective of Colin. He's just good at hiding it.


- Ms.P is Alice, from 'Alice in wonderland.'

- people often think David and Lucas are dating. And every time they try to explain that they are just friends, it takes like fifteen minutes cause the person doesn't believe them.

- going along with the last one. People come up to David telling him that his boyfriend is cheating on him. Cause they think Lucas and David are dating, but they see Lucas and Blake kissing.

- Inmo is partially deaf. The only one who knows is Blake. Cause she is the only one he feels won't make fun of him for it.

- when alone, Blake and Inmo talk in sign language.

- Blake and Inmo are actually really close friends. And think of each other as siblings.

- Kit forgave Ritchie a long time ago. But she is mad at herself for it, so she acts like she hasn't. In all reality, she wishes that she could talk to him like normal again.

- Kay is a pansexual bean and nobody can change my mind.

- Tiffy and Selene. Divinus Magia lesbians. Divinus Magia lesbians! DIVINUS MAGIA LESBIANS!!!

- Lo'pho doesn't like Viper and Kay going out on dates. So instead they go out on quests together. Which Lo'pho only sometimes knows about.

- Kay will sing to Viper when he is really stressed.

- Jericho and Blake sneak away from the guilds together to go hang out with Mori.

Okay! That is all I got in me right now. I am currently working on the next part to 'The Old Friend'. As well as a requested one-shot. So those should be coming out soon. If you have any other requests, please leave them in the comments. If not, then feel free to share some of you own headcannons. I love hearing them. 

Other than that, have an amazing day and remember to keep being yourself.

~ Gypsy

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