
15 1 0

Characters: Technoblade & Philza [Platonic]
Any TWs/CWs: Mentioned Character death but that's it.

An Axe was placed down onto the snow, with the item crunching into the temporary holder. A creaking door made Philza's head raised from where it was buried in a book.

Technoblade had returned, his face tense along with his long hair disheveled and free all the way down to his ribs, blood stained against his clothing. Nothing but a good wash could get out, though.

Philza knew something was wrong, even without the blood stains to tell him directly. The look on his friend's face was obvious.

"I made sure Carl was fed, he's resting in his-" He had begun, but the half-piglin raised a hand to silence him. Techno approached over to the now-quiet male, and went to sit besides him with his back pressing against him. The older's face softened.

Techno took his helmet off and placed it in his own lap, not bothering with the rest of it as his shoulders relaxed. Philza put his book on a nearby surface and moved his body towards him, beginning to slowly braid the male's hair as he usually did. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked, making sure to be gentle with the pink hair as he let his hands do what they knew best.

"The voices were a problem, again." The pig grumbled, moving his head slightly in a shake. "Dealt with them though, but not in a way that kept anyone safe."

Philza nodded and gave a soft hum in response. "That's where the blood came from. Only another person's and not yours, at least?" His hands stopped for a moment to give Techno a chance to answer.

"I didn't even kill them, I pulled my head in when they were on the floor, begging to live. I could almost feel the fear drip from their body." Techno's voice was soft and cautious, tilting his head down as if he was remembering it again. "The voices demanded it. They got what they wanted."

Philza simply sighed, nodding slowly as he finished the braid gently before he let it go with the hair slowly falling from his hands.

"You're still alive. That matters the most." His voice finally spoke and that seemed to soften the piglin hybrid.

"Thank you, Philza." Techno soon uttered after a quiet moment, with the elder giving a smile.

"Not a problem, mate."

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