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Characters: Karl / Sapnap / Quackity [Karlnapity]
Any TWs/CWs: Slight disassociation, not much?

Hands wrapped around him, pulling him in for a long-needed hug. He could feel a head rest against his shoulder. "We've missed you." A soft voice told him.

Another pair of hands wrapped around him. They felt softer than the first ones and generally warmer, as if they contained a warm furnace cooking some sweet treat.

Karl finally blinked as he glanced around, seeing a familiar face. He knew them, but he didn't remember them. He's seen them so many times before, their faces were the only things he could remember about them.

Why couldn't he remember them? They seemed to remember him.

"Karl?" A deeper but still a soft voice spoke up. His eyes felt dry, how long has he been staring? Have they been trying to talk to him? He's just trying to remember, they had to give him time.

Time. He could travel in it, but he never had enough. Karl blinked again before nodding.

He needed to check if the book was alright. He moved but got nowhere, the two around him were like vines. They were keeping him here.

Where was he? Karl wasn't sure. He couldn't remember right now. He just had to leave. "Let me go." His voice matched the other two's softness. He didn't intend for that, but he could work with it right now. "Please."

He didn't like how they moved, especially whoever had their head on his shoulder. Now there were two faces staring at him, ever closer. He tried to move away, but those arms kept him there. He didn't think it was their intention for that, but it was an advantage.

"Are you going to leave again?" The deeper voice matched with the raven-hair. The more Karl looked, the more details he noticed. The thin white strip of fabric that wrapped around the male's forehead to prevent hair falling into his eyes. His eyes.. His eyes were a deep orange with a softer red mixing in closer near the middle. Those reminded him of fire.

He felt warmer so suddenly and he felt the room around him spin. He was somewhere else so suddenly. A place he remembered.

"Isaac!" Someone screamed out above, which he couldn't prevent himself from looking at. He knew where he was, now. The underwater city. The only way he remembered was the burning tree that stood in-front of him again.

Cletus couldn't come down. He couldn't return to safety without jumping, which was fatal from that height. He could catch him, right? "Isaac!" The male screamed again, those green goggles were torn off and long gone. He could only see those fearful eyes. Not the book that the male was holding, or the fire slowly creeping and burning at Cletus's leg.

Karl only snapped out of it once he felt something drop at his feet. He could barely see through the tears. "Cletus!" He finally responded, trying to step towards the tree as he went to blink away the tears.

He didn't know he was still with the two faces. He didn't know he wasn't back at the Mizu and just started crying, staring at one of them.

Karl didn't want to do this. He didn't want to be here, wherever he was. He twisted his body, using his own arms to try and get rid of the ones that seemed to suffocate him. "Let go! Please!" He begged this time. He just had to leave. He couldn't be here. He squirmed and moved around until he felt the arms slip away from around him.

At the first chance of freedom, he scrambled away and towards a door he could see. What he didn't realise, is that he had been situated on a bed so he easily fell off it.

Karl still stood up, despite the new pain blossoming on his arm that he ended up landing on. The exit was in-front of him, the room had been so small with only a bed.

The two that were now behind him were talking in hushed whispers, but he wasn't listening. He was quickly leaving through the door.

"Karl!" One of them finally spoke up, a few steps when he was out the room. The hallway connected to the room seemed so big compared to the bedroom. He stumbled out, not daring to look back.

He's leaving. Whoever they are, they aren't going to stop him. Karl may only be wearing shorts and his usual hoodie, told by the feeling of carpet under his feet as he now ran, but he could escape like this.

He just couldn't forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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