Chapter 1

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Alessia's POV

She was drunk that day and didn't spot the recording camera so she didn't delete the footage this time. The video showed her drunkenly swaying towards Bella in the middle of the night and the floorboard creaking waking me up to which I assessed the situation before jumping in between Bella and Renee in under a second. It showed as she relentlessly beat on me for over half an hour before smashing the bottle she brought into the room with her on my head and walking out leaving me unconscious on the floor. It showed Bella get out of the corner she was hiding in and slowly head over to my then unconscious body and pulling glass out of my forehead and face before she started sobbing and holding on to me for dear life.

This was all displayed on a tv in the courtroom that had the video recorder hooked into it. Many of the people were horrified at Renee's actions. This case was displayed on tv as it was an interstate matter as our father started this as a lawsuit for custody of us. Renee was warned that he had video evidence but she didn't believe him as she thought she deleted it every time. The camera man panned the camera over to my bandaged face where I'm standing protectively in front of my sister as Renee tries to get to us but is restrained by multiple officers.

"I should have killed you when you were seven!" She shouted causing me to flinch and her to laugh. "Have fun with those memories!"

I have an eidetic memory which I hate but it is also what allowed me to advance up to Bella's grade and keep the bullies away from her. It is also what made it possible for me to figure out she was being bullied because she came home with bruises she didn't have when leaving, every single day.

"What memories?" Bella asked quietly, unheard to even those directly around us.

"Just the first memories I have of her abuse." I lied with a gentle smile in Bella's direction before pulling her into a hug.

After the jury voted Renee was sentenced to life in prison for attempted murder and many other charges. I once watched a video about how child abusers were treated in prison and it's not good so she should have a fun time waiting for her. Soon enough court was let out and Charlie came over to us causing Bella to start shaking and me to growl instinctively which made Charlie back off so I comforted Bella.

"I'm here." I soothed. "I won't let anybody hurt you, and if they try they won't live to regret it." I said quietly in Bella's ear.

Bella hugged closer to me and we started to walk out of the courtroom ignoring the stares we got from people. Some were in pity or sympathy others were neutral but the one neither of us could ignore was the look of absolute hatred we received from Renee as she was being shoved into a prison transport vehicle. Charlie lead us away from her sight and towards a red car which is something new as he's always just driven his cruiser even back when I was a baby. I didn't comment on it, just opened the back door so that Bella and I could get in. I sat in the middle while Bella sat behind the passenger seat.

It was a long drive with every noise making Bella whimper which in turn made me growl. You may ask why I'm growling, well it's because when I was twelve I turned into a giant black cat and quickly turned back into my human body. I've aged regularly since then but I do have alot of muscle, though my aging seems to have sped up recently. I only heal at an inhuman rate when I want to and I can barely control myself enough to stop the purrs that want to come out of my throat to soothe Bella when in public, but I can't stop the growling.

It took several hours of driving before Charlie got out and got in the back with Bella getting in the passenger seat and me in the drivers seat and he went to sleep while I kept driving. We got to Forks before Charlie woke up so when we got there I relied on my memory to get us to his house which is just as I remember it. When I turned the car off Charlie woke up suddenly scaring Bella who then whimpered and I growled again.

"What is with the growling?" Charlie asks finally having enough of it.

"It's something that was caused by events when I was twelve." I answered vaguely and coldly, though the cold was unintentional. "I can't stop it, I've tried and given up on stopping it."

"Ok then." He says unsure of how to continue. "I bought a truck off Billy so that you guys can get to school since this car was just a rental as I don't actually have enough money to buy a car that I'll never use." He says as I hand him the keys. "It should be here within the next week before you start school. I've got to get to work so I'll see you when I get back"

I nod my head before grabbing mine and Bella's limited things and leading her up the stairs to our room as this house only has two bedrooms. I set the stuff on the bed before I started putting things where they belong and handing Bella her comfort book that she likes to get lost in no matter how many times she has read it already. We have two copies, hers and the one I always keep on me. She only has three books and each of them was a gift from me as I used to have a part time job to feed and clothe us since Renee refused to do so. Sometimes my own money was taken by her so she could get herself some more beer and liquor with a comment of she "earned" it by putting up with us.

After I got the room set up I laid on the bed and pulled Bella closer and into a hug without disturbing her reading, a skill I've gotten quite good at over time. We just laid there until I heard Bella's Stomach grumble so I went downstairs to the kitchen and looked around for anything to cook, but upon finding nothing I decided to use my last twenty to order a pizza. When the pizza got here I paid the delivery guy the money and told him to keep the change since it was only a dime. I went back into the kitchen before pulling out a couple of the paper plates I found and putting four slices on my plate and two on Bella's even though she normally only eats one. I write a note to Charlie letting him know that there's two slices left for him for when he gets home. I headed back upstairs and handed Bella her plate after she put the book down, that's the only rule I have, no reading while eating, it keeps the books from getting ruined accidentally.

After we finished off our pizza, well she ate one slice before putting her other one on my plate and I ate that one too, I took the paper plates down and put them in the full garbage bin before taking the bag out and putting it in the big can outside and putting a new bag in and heading upstairs. Bella was just getting back in bed after showering and getting ready for bed. I went ahead and did my nightly routine before laying in bed next to her and pulling her into our usual cuddle position and humming a soft song to her, though humming didn't work so I started to softly sing and she eventually fell asleep, I was next to fall asleep.

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