Chapter 35

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Alessia's POV

We're packing a weeks worth of clothes for the trip and the whole coven decided to come with us, I'm also packing Baby stuff for Amy. When we exited the house all but Emily heard a vehicle approaching causing me to move in front of Emily and the others. Irina moved to stand beside me while I handed Amy to Emily. Soon enough the car arrived in front of us though we couldn't see who was inside because of tinted windows. Alice stepped out and paused momentarily in shock when she spotted me. When she opened the door all I could smell was Jacob and that confused me since I didn't have a clue as to why he was here with her.

"Alessia, what are you doing with the Denali's?" Alice asked confused.

"Did you forget who I am dating?" I asked her bluntly, not coldly but I do blame her for what happened to Bella.

I turned around and held my hands out for Amy while the rest of the Denali's relaxed.

"Why are you all so on guard, did something happen?" Alice asked worriedly.

"Someone tried to attack us a week ago." Tanya answered. "It was a lone vampire that was Targeting Emily and Amy."

"Emily isn't due to give birth for another three months so who's Amy?" Alice asked confused.

"Amy is my adoptive daughter." I answered turning around with Amy in my arms and Irina and Emily taking to my sides.

Alice withheld her urge to coo and signaled for the others to get out of the car. When Bella stepped out of the car my world stopped. It can't be her, Alice said that the venom wasn't working and that means she died. Bella grabbed a little girl's hand and they both sped in front of us causing me to hand Amy back to Emily and place them behind me.

"How, Alice said that the venom wasn't working?" I asked dumbfounded and afraid that I was hallucinating.

"The morphine, it slowed the venom down making it seem like it wasn't working in the beginning." Bella answered with a small nervous smile.

"Grandma!" The little girl cheered before leaping on me causing me to spin around to stop myself from falling backwards and onto Emily and Amy. "You look happy now instead of when you first held me."

"Alessia, meet my daughter Esmia, named after the two women who raised me." Bella said and I gasped in shock.

"Looks like your guess of her being half human and half vampire was correct." Irina said surprised as she and the other vampires heard her irregular heartbeat.

"Yeah." Bella answered. "We're here looking to see if you'd be witnesses against the Volturi, a vampire caught sight of Esmia and ran off before we could explain and put us under a death sentence."

"Well, we were about to be headed for Forks anyways." Tanya said causing them to look shocked. "Emily needs Carlisle to do a scan to make sure everything is alright with the baby."

"Well, Emily can ride in the car with us as we have one extra seat." Bella answered.

"Bella, you're driving back, I'll run with the Denali's so that way Alessia and Amy aren't out in the cold." Alice said surprising me. "I know Alessia doesn't get cold very easily and I also know she's not leaving her imprint alone especially since she's pregnant." Alice explained. "I'll see you when you get back to Forks."

With that Alice and the other Denali's put the luggage in the trunk of the car except for Amy's baby bag which is on my lap in the backseat along with Amy in my arms and Emily in the passenger seat up front for her to be more comfortable.

"So, how did you adopt Amy?" Bella asked curiously.

"Her father wanted to kill her because he never wanted to be a father, he just wanted the mother." I answered with disgust. "I didn't get there in time to save the mother so she asked me to take care of Amy."

"What happened to the father?" Jacob asked curiously.

"The nearby wildlife had a good meal." Is all I said and they understood. "My kill count in now up to five, James, Victoria, Sam, Richard, and the unnamed vampire that was a threat to Emily and Amy."

"Well I know you only do what you do to protect others so I won't hold you accountable for it." Jacob said with a gentle smile.

"So she's a protector like in the story you read to me?" Esmia asked curiously.

"No, she's the one that the council wrote about, she is "The Protector"." Jacob said proudly.

"So cool!" Esmia cheered making me smile happily. "I have the coolest grandma in the world!"

"Shh, you'll wake Amy and Emily." I said softly, turning her attention to the two I mentioned. "It's alright, they're still asleep."

"I heard you were imprinted on Rosalie only something happened and you reimprinted on Emily, what happened?" Esmia asked curiously.

"Things that will probably be talked about when you are older." I said gently before I started petting her hair and humming, causing her to fall asleep along with Jacob.

"How do you do that?" Bella asked me quietly, voice filled with curiosity.

"I don't know, but it used to work on you back when you could sleep as well." I said softly, ensuring I didn't wake any of the sleeping people in the vehicle.

"That means it can't be a gift since the only gift that worked on me as a human is Alice's." Bella pondered. "That means that it's a natural skill."

"I'm so happy you're ok." I said out of the blue. "It broke me when you died."

"I know, Esmia's gift allowed her to show me her memories of her birth, I saw how broken you were with my own eyes." Bella said sadly. "I'm forever indebted to the Denali's and Emily for helping you and healing you, like you did for me time and again."

"And would do all over again if it meant you got to be happy and safe." I answered honestly. "Like I said at your wedding, I don't regret anything I did for you."

"I wish you would've fought for yourself as well though." Bella said sadly.

"I am now, and I've got help too." I said and she looked happy.

"Yeah, I couldn't help but notice how you called Irina your girlfriend, I don't think you and Rosalie ever got that far." Bella said happily. "I think Rosalie will be happy that you've finally moved on."

After that the ride was silent and I too fell asleep shortly after the conversation ended.

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