Chapter 34

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Alessia's POV

Emily wanted to hold Amy so I got a little free time to phase and run free for the first time in a while. Irina was out hunting along with her sisters and I found them about five minutes ago and have been following them in the trees. They finally stopped and seemed to notice someone following them but they can't seem to pinpoint my location.

"Alright, whoever's following us show yourself or get ready to get zapped." Kate threatened.

I silently got down from the tree and crept around getting all their backs to me when I silently made my way to sitting behind them. I just sat there waiting for them to turn around yet they didn't, they were locked onto something in the distance and I heard it coming in fast. I moved to the side and got ready to pounce the instant something broke through the trees. When I saw it I noticed the blood red eyes and the hungry look locked in the direction of the house meaning they smelled Emily or Amy, which makes them a threat and those don't last long. He tried running past us and straight for the house but I had him pinned before he was halfway through the clearing.

"Jesus Alessia, where'd you come from?" Kate shrieked. "Why are you targeting our house?" She asked coldly, directing her attention back to the red eyed vampire.

"I'm hungry and I smell two humans, so I'm gonna have myself a snack." He answered smugly.

I growled in his ear getting ready to rip his head from his shoulders for threatening Emily and Amy when Tanya told me to stop.

"We won't let you harm either of them." Tanya says coldly.

"You don't have a choice, you're just a woman meant to be beneath a mans boot." The vampire said smugly before he screamed in fear as he felt my teeth on his neck. "Get this animal off of me!"

"She's not an animal, she's a shifter and you've threatened not only her girlfriend but also her imprint and child." Tanya said smugly. "No matter what you do you're not leaving this clearing alive, she'll make sure of that."

"No, I'll kill the gay shifter freak and then I'll kill the three of you!" He screamed and I had enough.

I ripped his head from his shoulders with my teeth before I started ripping his body apart. I even used my claws to dig through his torso to cut it in half. I growled in his face showing my anger until Irina gently put her hand on my side. I nuzzled into her as a way to calm myself down and to reassure myself that she's safe. They then built a fire and started to burn his body before Tanya turned to me.

"Where'd you come from anyways, not that we're not glad you're here." Tanya asked finally realizing that I was here when they thought I was at the house.

I quickly ran behind a tree before I phased back.

"Emily offered to take care of Amy for a little bit so I decided to go for a run." I answered. "I spotted you three and decided to follow through the trees, it's me that you threatened to zap, Kate."

"And how long were you sitting beside us before you pounced on him?" She asked while gesturing to the ripped apart, burning vampire.

"About two minutes, or shortly after you started staring off into the distance after hearing him approaching." I answered calmly. "Now, I'll meet you guys back at the house."

After that I phased and took off, hearing them trying to follow but lagging behind by a ways despite their best efforts to keep up. I made it back to the house and dressed before entering and sitting down on the couch. Emily handed Amy to me along with a bottle since she was refusing to let anybody but me feed her. I was sitting on the couch calmly feeding Amy when the three sisters finally made it inside.

"What happened you three, what's with the rush?" I asked with faux concern since I knew they were perfectly fine.

"How in the hell are you soo much faster than us?" Kate said.

"I have four legs, you have two." I answered smugly. "Why, did you try to keep up with me while I was running back?"

"You know we did, especially if your suppressed chuckles are any indication." Tanya said before her and the other two sisters burst out laughing.

I just smiled widely since if I started laughing it would disrupt Amy and she's very hungry if the already half empty bottle is any indication. Soon after that everybody settled down and Irina sat down on one side of me while Emily sat on the other and I sighed in content, I have my imprint, I have my girlfriend, and I have my baby with me, and I know Bella is still in my heart and she always will be.

"Life is good right now, I just wish Bella was still with me." I said sighing sadly but not losing the happiness I have from those around me. "Do you know when you're due Emily?"

"About three months, I don't know exactly when since the Res. doesn't have doctors and I didn't get to have Carlisle check." Emily admitted. "And I won't go to a human doctor in case the wolf gene shows up in any of the tests."

"Then we'll have to go back to Forks in the near future." Irina said sighing in sadness as well as worry.

"I'll be fine and we'll make sure that Emily is fine as well." I said reassuringly to her. "We'll go in about a week, that way in case there's any reason we have to stay there for a while you can spend plenty of quality time with your sisters in the event that you choose to stay as well."

"We already know she'll choose to stay, and we have nothing against it." Tanya said with a gentle smile. "Who knows, maybe we'll decide to go with you."

"Well I think the Cullen's would enjoy seeing you again and I know that the pack has no issue with you guys since you're vegetarian like the Cullen's." I said with a smile. "Though I may be a bit estranged from the pack since I just left without a goodbye and took Emily with me, but I'm almost a hundred percent sure that Sue has had no issue with cooking for them."

"Well, here's to hoping everything goes fine when we do pay them a visit." Carmen said raising her hand like she was holding a glass.

"So, what do you want to do in the meantime?" I asked Emily.

"Sleep." She answered bluntly so I raised my arm and she snuggled right in.

This has become a normal thing between Emily and I just like how I took care of Bella became normal between Bella and I.

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