Let's Begin

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Tadashi's pov

I finally finished Baymax and already began a new project. It was to make a human without all that complicated nine month stuff. Ehem. I began sketching on how I want it to look like. I planned on a female with h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. She was to be about five feet four inches tall. She would wear a f/c shirt and ripped jeans along with black boot and a leather jacket. I knew that this would be a challenge for she would have to have human feelings, realistic hair hopefully, but for sure she would be as robotic as it can get. I began with the body shapes. Sketching and putting the parts together. My reason for this invention was maybe for orphaned children that she would be realistic enough for a human. It took me six months to finish the body itself so I began to make the heart itself. Based off of my research and hypothesis I can use a real cows heart and attach the robotic veins to it. This took me about two weeks. Deciding the body itself was good enough I began the chip. I had to include emotions, response to stimuli, and the healing processes if hurt. Making these edits and cuts took me a year. Dedicated to this project another difference just like Baymax is.

That robot has been doing swell following Hiro most of the time he has grown a bond with my little brother I found that adorable. The kid even taught the robot how to fistbump how ironic. Hiro has began going to SFIT my school and his lab is right across mine. Most of the time while I'm making my Invention he comes by and keeps me company. I appreciate the company and for she he would be the first to meet the robotic human.

Currently at midnight Hiro fast asleep and me I was finishing her up. I realized I had no name for the girl yet maybe she will wake up with one? I inserted the chip at her heart for the 76th time of retrying and experimenting. I turned on the camera and whispered "Invention, take 76... How are you feeling?" I asked in a whisper. Her eyes fluttered open and sat up and gave a beautiful smile "I am doing wonderful Tadashi how are you?" she asked in a human voice my heart skipped a beat and I hugged her as she returned the gesture. She felt warm and I heard her heart beating. "Say Ah" I commanded as she complied I stuck a thermometer in her mouth and she closed her lips together. The temperature was taken and I checked to see how warm she was. 97 degrees. Perfect. She's really human. "Who and what are you?" I asked she cocked her head to the side. "I am y/n a 17 year old girl who is friends with Tadashi Hamada and Hiro Hamda, they are brothers. I don't really have much of a home but I consider them my family." she replied getting up from the table. "I'm really tired Tadashi" she said rubbing her eyes. 'she's so cute and pretty' I thought 'wait what!?' I mentally slapped myself from think such a strange thing towards a robot no less my invention.

"Let's go to bed then" I replied she walked to Hiro and brushed his long black hair away from his eyes and picked him up. "I'm ready" I lead her out and to my motorcycle. She got on and put Hiro between us as I began heading to the Lucky Cat Cafe. She walked up the stairs quickly and laid Hiro down softly and placed a blanket on him. She looked to me and smiled. 'Her smile it gorgeous' I thought once more being mesmerized by the girl. She began walking towards me and then stopped "ouch!" she exclaimed pulling a small knife from her foot out.'when did that get there?' I thought "I'm so sorry" I heard the sound of a vacuum and saw Baymax. "Hello, I am Baymax your personal healthcare companion, I heard the sound of distress what seems to be the problem?" He said waving "I uh my foot got cut." she replied "I shall scan you for any severed injuries... Scan complete, although it is nothing major your right foot is now bleeding I can wash it and give you a band-aid." She nodded and sat on the floor Baymax took her foot and cleaned the small wound and then put a small band-aid on it. "Does it hurt when I touch it?" He poked the injury and she hissed in pain "No" she whispered. "You have been a good girl have a lollipop/ He held out a red sucker and her face began to glow she took the sweet and sucked on it. "What does it taste like?" I asked "Cherry" I began jotting notes down on the progress and how human she was all her senses were accurate and her emotions. This by far has been the most incredible invention yet.



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