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Naomi's POV

I woke up, surprised to see me on someone's bed. Whose room is this? This is a boy's room, obviously. The room was surprisingly clean. I looked around shelves. It showed a picture of Satoshi with his sister. I smiled. Satoshi looks like his cute self. The door opened, seeing Satoshi. "Hi Naomi, feeling any better?" Satoshi says. "Yes I'm fine." I replied. I started to feel the same feeling I felt when I jumped off the school building. A tear came out, and the next thing I know it, I was bawling. "N-Naomi! What's wrong?" Satoshi said, worried. "Satoshi! ...I need to tell you something...something I held back for a long time...", I paused.

"Satoshi...earlier on the news, there was this report on the Shinohara family. Seiko's family. Do you know Seiko?" Satoshi replied, "Of course I do! That's our friend Seiko! How can't I possibly not know her?" I was glad. He remembers Seiko. "It was a murder report. I came to their house, finding Seiko. I found her in her room, on her bed...she was dead" I finally finished. Satoshi looked at me, wide-eyed. "I'm so sorry! Why did Seiko die?" He asked furiously. He paused once more. "I have to say something to you as well...hey Naomi! Wake u-" I started to lose vision. My hearing gone off. I don't remember anything else. Am I dead?

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