Chapter 1: wrong number

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Hey Petey.. can we talk?
And yes, I know we haven't talked in a while...

Who are you? how did you get this number?

Peter, Don't tell me "Parker luck" erased all your contacts again...

I'm not Peter.

Peter.. I need you...
I got kidnapped and I'm injured... please!

What the fuck!?
You have a phone! call the police!!!

Well, you're not Peter

Ophelia changed ??'s name to Mr. mystery

Mr. Mystery:
How do you know?

well, I only said that to see if you're really not Peter...
He would yell at me for trying to beat his record
Say That "as a sister I shouldn't do that"
And only then freak out that I was kidnapped and got injured

Mr. Mystery:
so you haven't been kidnapped? and you're not injured?

nope, it was just a test!

Mr. Mystery:
Okay, that's good
Hold on kid... You and your brother
have a contest for getting kidnapped!?

Umm.. maybe?
It happens a lot...
And I'm 16, not a kid!

Mr. Mystery:
What do you mean "it happens a lot"!?
How often are you kidnapped!!?

no comment?

Mr. Mystery:
You know what? I don't care...
just tell me your name

I am the smarter sibling and I shall never tell you my name! (You may call me Rose)

Mr. Mystery:
So... Is Rose your name?

Nope! Just a nickname

Mr. Mystery:
Okay then, little Rose it is

Mr. Mystery changed Unknown's name to little rose

Why little rose? I'm not little!
I'm literally 5'2!!

Mr. Mystery:
That's really short..
I'm not changing it.

איזה מעצבן אתה... ( are so annoying)

Mr. Mystery:
what was that?

Well, that was Hebrew...

Mr. Mystery:
So I'm gonna guess Hebrew is your second language

Not really... more like seventh..

Mr. Mystery:
Wait.. what!?
How many languages do you know!?

I know 14 including ASL, 13 without ASL, out
of those 13 I mostly talk in 10 of them
Those 10 are English, Russian, Romanian, Greek,
Italian, Spanish, French, Japanese, Hebrew and German

Mr. Mystery:
So.. what are the other two languages?

Two pretty much dead languages
I can read and write Latin and I can
read, write and sorta talk Old Norse

Mr. Mystery:
Wait, Old norse?
Why did you learn that?
How did you even learn that??

I was always interested in Norse mythology
Even more so after I found out it was real
So I tried learning old norse to read the more
ancient texts and it was quite easy actually

Mr. Mystery:
You're weird

Thank you, even though you're the one talking
to me so according to most of the people I
know, you're the weird one.

Mr. Mystery:
Rude, Didn't your parents teach you manners?

Jokes on you!
I'm an unwanted orphan!

Mr. Mystery:
You're an orphan?
Wait, why unwanted?

Yeah, my parents are dead and my aunt and uncle
didn't want me, they only wanted my older twin
So I live in an orphanage, and he lives with them

Mr. Mystery:
Oh, That sucks.. I'm sorry kid...

It's fine, you didn't know
Not to mention, I have Uncle Jeremy, he's in charge of
the orphanage. And one of the volunteers is my aunt
Even though they're not family by blood, they are by heart
So I have two people other than my brother
that's good enough for me.

Mr. Mystery:
Don't you have your friends as well?

I don't really have any friends

Mr. Mystery:
So you're alone at school?

I do my classes online
I learn much better this way

Mr. Mystery:
You know what?
You seem like a good kid
How about I'll be your friend?

I'd like that, Thank you Mr. mystery

Mr. Mystery:
Mr. mystery?

Yeah.. I can't keep calling you Mr. wrong number!
Plus, your name is unknown to me, making it a
mystery so I thought Mr. mystery was fitting
Do you want me to change it?

Mr. Mystery:
No, it's fine

Wait.. I just realized...
I haven't even asked you what's your name..
So, what's your name?

Mr. Mystery:
I can't tell you my name

What? Why?

Mr. Mystery:
That's classified

Alright, fine.
I guess since you don't know mine that's fair...
Oh, I got to go now
Bye Mr. mystery

Mr. Mystery:
Alright kiddo

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