Chapter 2: other friends

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Two weeks after the first text message

Hi Mr mystery!
I'm bored...

Mr. Mystery:
Hey kiddo
Wait, it's now 11 am
Shouldn't you be studying?

So.. apparently we're in the same time zone...
Anyway, I already finished all the work
It's supposed to be advanced stuff, but it's still too easy
Plus I don't have any classes until 3 hours from now
Anyways, shouldn't you be at work?

Mr. Mystery:
I am at work
But I'm stuck on an equation I can't solve

Send it to me! I want to try!

Mr. Mystery:
You won't be able to solve it
It's way too complicated

Well, I like a good challenge!

Mr. Mystery:
Alright then
lim_(x->5) (exp(x) - 1)/x - lim_(x->∞) 1/1054.78246

^ 6 minutes later ^

I think the simplified answer is 29...
not simplified is 29.4817

Mr. Mystery:
Wait.. that's correct!?
How did you solve that so quickly!?
I've been trying to solve it for 3 weeks!

Really? It was really easy...

Mr. Mystery:
What's your IQ level??

I Honestly don't know my IQ level
Wait a second... some one called me downstairs..

^ 3 minutes later ^

sorry about that but
the volunteer I told you
about who's like my aunt is here!
So I got to go, Bye Mr. mystery

Mr. Mystery:
Bye kiddo

^ many hours later ^

Mr. Mystery:
Sup Rosie!
How are you?

You're not Mr. mystery...

Mr. Mystery:
Why would you think that?

even if we only 'met' two weeks ago I know that
Mr. mystery would never say 'sup' it's
just not his vibe... Also, he wouldn't call me Rosie..

Mr. Mystery:
You got me
I'm one of his friends
You can call me bird

Alright Mr. bird

Mr. Mystery:
Oh no, he's coming back
If you're texted by an unknown number
or are added to a group chat it's
probably me

Goodbye Mr. bird

^ two and a half hours later (it's 11:25 pm) ^

~ a new group chat has been created ~
~ ? changed the chat name to 'mystery friends' ~

Hi Rosie

Mr. Mystery:
Please tell me you didn't!

Hi Mr. mystery!
And I'm gonna assume ? is Mr. bird


~ ?'s Name was changed to Mr. Bird~

Mr. Mystery:
Really bird!?
You just had to do this??

Mr. Bird:
Why not?

Yeah Mr. mystery..
Why not?

Hold up, Who's Rosie?

Well, that's me I guess..
Now! Everyone needs to tell me how to
save them in my contacts
Oh! And tell me your pronouns
I don't want to misgender anyone..

Call me America and I go by he/him

She/her, you can call me spider

~ ?'s Name was changed to Mr. America~
~ ??'s Name was changed to Ms. spider ~

save me as green, he/they

So should I save you as Mx. green or as Mr. green?

Mr. Green is fine

~ ?'s Name was changed to Mr. green ~

I'm Bucket, they/them

~ ?'s Name was changed to Mx. bucket ~

I'm witch, she/her

~ ??'s Name was changed to Ms. witch ~

I go by She/her, you can call me spice

~ ?'s Name was changed to Ms. spice ~

And my name's actually Rose, not Rosie..
My pronouns are she/her
So you're all friends of Mr. mystery?

Mr. mystery:
We're co-workers

Oh okay
Where do you work?

Ms. Spider:
We work at SI

Was the equation Mr. mystery sent for work?

Mr. green:
Wait, what equation?

Mr. mystery said he worked on it for 3 weeks
It was really easy

Mr. green:
You solved that equation??
And you're a kid?

I'm not a kid!

Mr. mystery:
You're 16, that counts as a kid.

Does not!

Mr. Green:
You're a high schooler!?


Mr. Bird:
But you're 16! That's high school age!!

I graduated my high school when I was 12
The only thing high school taught me
is that even STEM high school's
materials are too easy

Ms. Spice:
If you graduated at 12, what have you been doing since?

I'm taking university courses online
I'm studying for my 2nd PhD
Overall it's really easy stuff

Ms. Witch:
You must be a genius

I guess I'm smart but I wouldn't say genius
Anyways! it's already after midnight and I
have some important plans for tomorrow.
So good night everyone!

Good night

Well, you're not PeterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora