Chapter 7: family revelations

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Last chapter:

Mr. America:
Just say who..

Fine... it's Loki...

This chapter:

Mx. Bucket:
That's not possible.

That's what my files say
My parents thought it was funny
Even more so when I was bullied because of it...

Why would your parents think that funny, child?
A godparent should be able to be
there for their godchild...
To give a god who's existence wasn't yet proved
That position is a disgraceful act for a parent.
Not to mention what you said about the bullying...

Well, I really don't know why they thought that way...
Before you ask, I met Frigga thanks to
Heimdall.. he saw me using
My magic to heal myself and
sent grandmother (Frigga) to help me
since I didn't have enough power...

Ms. Spice:
Why did you need to heal yourself?

Well, my bio parents didn't want twins..
They wanted one baby boy but they got me as well
They kept saying how I ruined their lives
by simply being born and when they got
drunk they would be the best parents and
all sweet with Peter but would then beat me
up and harm me... that time I met grandmother
I had a bleeding head wound and my
back and arms were filled with cuts and bruises...

Mr. Mystery:
What!? How did you get that injured!!?

It was my punishment.
If I remember correctly, I didn't cook breakfast
fast enough that day and burned some of the eggs...

Ms. Spice:
Are you at least safe now?

Yes. I have been pushed out of that
family after they died and my aunt and
uncle decided to only take in my twin
I live in an orphanage and the
only communication I have with my
Bio family is through my twin

If they weren't dead I would kill them.


They harmed you! my godchild!!
They left you alone when you
could've been with me!!

Ms. Witch:

If you're freaking out about him
Basically saying he is Loki... don't.

Mr. Bird:
What do you mean?

How do I say this...

Ms. Spice:
Say what?

I kinda knew who you are already...

Ms. Spider:

I asked Liam to check after
noticing a pattern with the names...

Mr. Pop-tarts:
Wait a minute!
You called my mother (Frigga)
grandmother... Have you met Odin?

Yes, I have
Thanks to both Odin and Frigga I
have a true family... I don't even have
anything that reminds me of them...

Mr. Green:
Not even your name?

Just my last name... I changed
my first one...

Mr. Bird:
And what's is your current name?

I suppose since I know who you are it's only
fair to tell you my name... so...
Here I am Ophelia Parker


Grandfather picked an Asgardian name for me
as well. He told me you said that if you could
have a child, and it turned out
to be a girl, you would have named her Ingrid
So on earth I am Ophelia Parker... but on Asgard
I am Ingrid Lokidottir


Grandmother and grandfather saw
how negatively it affected me to refer to
my biological family as family so
Grandfather said that on Asgard
I shall be a Lokidottir to remove myself from them...
He also said something about testing
my worthiness for the throne.. whatever that means...

Mr. Mystery:
Wait.. I just saw something...
you said your name is Ophelia parker...
And that your twin is called Peter..

Yes.. is something wrong with that..?

Mr. Mystery:
Is his middle name perhaps Benjamin..?

Yeah... how did you know?

Mr. America:
Oh shit...

Mr. Bird:
I would say language...
but it doesn't seem appropriate...

Can someone fill me in?

Mr. Mystery:
You see...

Ms. Spider:
Peter was adopted by Tony so
he could stay in NY while May
travels Europe

Oh, okay
I thought something happened to
him first a sec

Ms. Spice:
You're not mad?

Why would I be?
Yes, we're close, but I keep secrets as well

Mr. Bird:
Like what?

Like my bestie Claw
Like my magic
Like the fact I have a godfather and who he is
Like my Asgardian Grandparents and
my duties there
And like some other things

Mx. bucket:
That's a lot of secrets

And that's okay... I mean... yes
we're twins, but like any twins who
were separated, we grew apart over time..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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