Untitled Part 7

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Giving Oliver a tight smile, Felicity stood with her tablet in hand.

"Well as some of you are already aware, Waller asked me to take a look at the code that is being used to hack QC's mainframe. Based on the information I have so far, I am not only certain that the hacker works for QC, but is funneling any information they can obtain to an IP address of a warehouse, known to be a hang-out of the Triad." Felicity started to walk the room, her voice strong and confident as she continued. She definitely hated talking to groups, but she was the ultimate professional and had learned over time how to steel her emotions and focus on her objective. Of course she had not expected to see Oliver Queen walk in the room. Nor had she even had the slighted idea that he was an agent. Focus Smoak.

"I explained to Waller that our best course of action will be to have someone on the inside of QC. We need direct access to the mainframe to be able to build a firewall tough enough to keep this hacker out. He is good, and hid his tracks well. But I am better. That is why Waller and Lance have asked me to be the cyber agent that will work for QC.", she met Oliver's gaze head on. "If Mr. Queen agrees, that is."

Oliver did well at disguising his pleasure at hearing that Felicity would be the agent working at QC. Lance had already filled him in on Felicity's part in this mission. He said she was the best, and if he said she was, then Oliver believed it.

"I have already spoken to both Waller and Lance, and I am in full agreement about someone working from the inside. Anything you need Miss Smoak, is at your disposal." Oliver smiled.

Felicity's eyes narrowed. Oliver was hiding something. She wasn't sure what, but she would find out before they left this room or her name was not Felicity Smoak. Before she could question him, Laurel spoke up.

"Felicity, because you will be going in as an employee, I will work with Mr. Queen to get your paperwork in order. We need to make sure that no one can question your employment. Mr. Queen, if you can send over a bogus offer letter, then we can get started on speeding her through the hiring process." Laurel gave a reassuring smile to Felicity before looking over to Oliver. "Mr. Queen is there a position that is available for Felicity to fill that will allow her to investigate without drawing suspicion?", Laurel asked.

Clearing his throat, Oliver looked at Laurel. Felicity saw red when he spoke.

"Felicity will be coming on board as my EA. My current assistant is retiring and this will be the perfect opening. Not only will she be away from IT, but working for me, she can focus her attention on the hacker. Also if she needs to debrief me on her findings, I will be just on the other side of the door." Oliver smirked confidently and turned his eyes to the full force of Felicity's glare.

Felicity sucked in a breath, as Slade roared with laughter. Glaring around the room, Felicity threw Oliver her most intimidating look.

"I don't fetch coffee Mr. Queen.", she said.

"I can teach you how to brew a cup of coffee Smoak.", said Slade, his laughter only making her seeth more.

"Come on blondie. It's not just about making coffee. Keeping those lunch appointments in order is priority one." Roy smile sweetly at Felicity. Oh he was going to enjoy this.

Trying not to smile, Tommy spoke up. "Come on guys, let's give Smoak a break. Restaurant reservations don't make themselves you know." He threw Felicity a wink.

"Mr. Queen, can we speak privately please?", Felicity asked. Her voice tight with barely controlled rage.

"Ok, everyone let's give these two the room, so they can go over the details", she heard Lance say as everyone started to get up from their seats. still laughing loudly Slade passed behind Oliver, his hand patting his shoulder as he leaned close, saying. "I don't envy you kid. She is going to bury you." Slade indicated Felicity before walking out. His laughter following down the hall.

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