Untitled Part 10

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Felicity felt her heart start racing. She could not stop staring. But who could blame her. A shirtless Oliver Queen hanging from the salmon ladder was the most gorgeous site her eyes had ever seen, next to his smile of course. As her eyes slid back down, they slowly registered the tattoo over his left pec and the numerous scars littering his chest. Her brow crinkled for a moment as she wondered what all he had been through to have obtained those scars. And what were the Chinese symbols running down the left side of his abs? Those delicious, make you want to climb him like a tree abs.

Shaking her head, Felicity decided she needed to focus. You came here to workout Smoak, now ignore him and get to it. Easier said then done.

Felicity lowered her head, as she made her way to the punching bag. She decided ignoring him was her best course of action. Yes, just ignore the abs just screaming for you to run your hands over them and the shorts hanging so low that his sexy as hell hipbones were peaking out the top. Oh, and just imagine how those abs would look with chocolate dripping down each indention.......Felicity!!!!!!!!

Taking the gloves from the nearby rack Felicity placed her earbuds in, turning her music on. Then putting on her gloves, Felicity closed her eyes for a moment to let the music wash over her before she started moving. Jab, jab, duck, kick. Jab, jab, duck, kick.

Felicity felt her body getting into a rhythm. She had her back turned to Oliver "six pack abs" Queen, and was focusing on her breathing. As she went though each move her training kicked in and she started to feel her arms and legs burning, her anger going into each punch she threw until there was none left. After about 30 minutes of punching and kicking, Felicity stepped back and grabbed her water. That felt great. It was just what she needed. Setting her bottle down she started to remove her gloves. But as she turned, she again met that blue gaze. Damn him!

Oliver had heard the door to the gym open when he was nearing the top of the ladder. Resting at the top, crossing his ankles he had looked up to see the beautiful blonde he has been trying not to think about. Felicity Smoak. He had tried to hide a smirk when he saw her face and she has just stared. So your not as unaffected as you make out to be are you Miss Smoak?, he thought.

Oliver had watched as Felicity just stared. Hunger flashed over her blue eyes as she had licked her lips looking at his chest. And as Oliver had started to make his way back down the ladder, his breath had caught in his throat and he had almost lost his grip, a soft fuck me spilling from his lips. Because as he started back down, Felicity had turned her back heading toward the punching bag, and Oliver had seen a sight that would be forever ingrained in his mind. A sight that at that moment he decided should be worshiped on a daily basis in every way possible. Felicity Smoak's ass!

Jumping down from the ladder Oliver had grabbed his towel, and wiping his face, just stared at the sight of Felicity Smoak working the punching bag in clothes that she should not be allowed out in public wearing. As his eyes lingered on her, he thought for a moment about how graceful and effortless her moves were as she moved around the bag. She was good. He could also tell from the way she was punching the bag, that she was working off her steam.

Grabbing his water bottle, Oliver made his way over to where she was punching, ducking and kicking. He would love to see what she could do on the sparring mat, he thought.

Oliver leaned against a nearby pillar. He decided in that moment he could stay here all day and never get tired of watching her.

Suddenly he noted the silence and realized Felicity had stopped boxing, a gasp escaping her lips as she turned, removing her gloves. Their gazes locked.

Now among the many things people usually knew about Felicity there were two things that stuck out. 1) that she was smart, like smartest person in the room at any given time smart, and 2) that she could sometimes be akward. But the one thing that most people did not know, and only came out when she was nervous was that Felicity could babble. And as if on cue, her brain to mouth filter decided to go into overdrive.

"Oliver, hi, sorry, I didn't think anyone else was going to be here....especially anyone shirtless with abs like that, not that I was noticing your abs, even though they are really, really nice abs. What is that? A six pack, eight? Um, I mean, I needed to come work off some steam, not that I was steamy.........", she cringed..."I didn't mean steamy, I just meant that I felt like working off some energy because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. And I like to come to the gym and work out after hours, because I usually work late. Not that I don't have a life, it's just sometimes I get caught up in what I am doing and lose track of time." Felicity finally stopped talking. Great going Smoak. Now he is going to think you are crazy. She groaned.

Oliver was watching her babble with fascination. Wow, she really is adorable when she is nervous, he thought.

Oliver hid a grin, at her going on about his abs. She HAD been affected. Crossing his arms across his chest, Oliver finally gave her a tight smile.

"It seems like we had the same idea Smoak. I thought it would be a good idea to work off some energy as well. I didn't expect to see anyone else down here."

Grabbing the ends of his towel around his neck, Oliver had to grip the towel tightly. He really wanted to wrap the towel around her neck, pull her to him, and kiss her senseless.

Felicity saw the look in Oliver's eyes grow dark, and felt the tension start to build. She needed to leave before she did something stupid like knock him to the ground and grind on those abs until she saw stars. Ok Smoak, say goodnight, turn around and just walk away.

Clearing her throat, Felicity grabbed her towel. Wiping her brow, she said,"Well Oliver, I guess I will see you tomorrow morning. Does 9:00 a.m., work for you?" Shit, why did her voice sound husky, she thought as she mentally kicked herself.

"9:00 a.m., will work fine Miss Smoak. Have a good evening." Oliver turned and walked to gather his things. He really hoped that things were less tense at the office tomorrow. Letting out a sigh, Oliver turned to throw one last glance in Felicity's direction. Surprise, surprise, she was gone.

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