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Hyeju's Saturday's are spent the same almost every week. Wake up, eat, get groceries, game, eat again, spend time with girlfriends, sleep.

Right now, she's at the grocery store getting her weekly groceries as always.

She walks through the beverage aisle searching for her gamer juice (Mountain Dew).

Midway grabbing her drink, her name gets called on the intercom .

"Miss Son Hyeju would you please make your way to the front desk?" The store worker announces.

"Huh? That's weird" Hyeju whispers to herself, she takes her Mountain Dew, puts it in her shopping cart and makes her way towards the front desk.

Lets back track a bit here.

Yerim and Chaewon share an apartment together, Yerim usually wakes up earlier.

This morning a terrible accident had occurred. Yerim opened the kitchen cupboard to get cereal only to find out that it was empty.

Yerim made her way to her and Chaewon's shared room and disrupted the older's slumber.

Yerim barges in, "WE RAN OUT OF CEREAL!" She screeches, causing Chaewon to startle awake and falling out of their bed in the process.

"What the fuck?" Chaewon sleepily replies, rubbing her head which hit the floor "Did you check the other cabinet?"

Yerim nods "No cereal, none, not even a crumb" she furrows her brows.

"We can eat something for breakfast then" Chaewon slowly gets off the floor.

"But I wanna eat cereal" Yerim frowns

Chaewon does not like the sight of her girlfriend frowning "Okay, let's go get cereal then" she sighs.

Yerim cheers in victory.

She drags Chaewon to the nearest store right as she freshens up, not even getting a chance to change out of her pajamas.

They arrive at the store.

"Do you know where the cereals are?" Chaewon asks Yerim.

"Of course!" Yerim lies, she has no idea where the cereals are, she has never been here.

Chaewon could obviously sense something was fishy "Uh-huh, and where are they?" She raises her eyebrow at Yerim.

Yerim crosses her arms "The cereal aisle duh" she states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Lead the way then, captain"

Yerim and Chaewon walk around the store for at least 10 minutes.

"Yerim... I think we're lost" Chaewon mumbles

"Pfft what nooo" Yerim denies, she looks at her surroundings, there's no one around around them. "Okay yeah, I think we're a little lost" she sighs.

"I think I know the way to the front desk, we could ask someone to help us?" Chaewon suggests.

"Yeah that sounds like a better idea than wandering around aimlessly"

They make their way to the front desk.

"Hold on isn't this the place Hyeju buys her groceries from?" Yerim asks.

Chaewon pauses to think for a moment "Wait oh my god, it is" she confirms.

"Great now go ask the lady to call for Hyeju" Yerim pushes Chaewon towards the woman at the front desk.

"What? Why me you ask her it was your idea" Chaewon retaliates and tries to push Yerim forward.

The lady at the front desk cuts in.

"What seems to be the issue here?"

Yerim and Chaewon freeze.

Chaewon nudges Yerim, signaling for her to speak "U- uhm, we're kind of lost, could you call for a Son Hyeju on the intercom?" Yerim requests.

Back to the present.

Hyeju arrives at the front desk, "Hello! my name was called, Is there a problem?" The lady gestures to Yerim and Chaewon "I believe they belong to you?" She asks.

"We got lost" Chaewon and Yerim frown simultaneously.

Hyeju looks at her two girlfriends with a disappointed expression "I didn't even bring you guys with me—" she sighs.

"Did you run out of cereal?" Hyeju questions

Yerim nods.

"Can we have breakfast at yours again?" Chaewon requests.

Hyeju smiles fondly, "Of course!" She gestures to her cart "Let me just pay for these and we'll head to my place"

We got lost :( | HyerimwonWhere stories live. Discover now