chapter eleven

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Your pov :

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Your pov :

I wake up to something cool on my towel on my head I groan and sit up I see that I am not where I went to sleep I was now laying on my couch in the living room I see some person standing in my Kitchen and start smelling something burning I stand up to go stop them but quickly lose my balance and fall my vision was very blurry

"y/n? y/n?" a familiar voice says  

"Ayato?" I say my vision clearing up

"the one and only!" he says with a cheeky smile

"what are you doing here?" I said

"hmm? oh well I was in the area and decided to visit you," he says

"shouldn't you be with your clan not taking care of me" 

"my clan? oh it's fine my Ayaka is taking care of it for now I just kinda needed a break you know?" he says helping me lay back down on the couch

"I'll be fine Ayato you can go back," I say to him but he just ignores me and pushes me down on the couch

"you need to rest y/n, and I need to stay here to nurture you back to health like I'm your mom," he says standing up and putting his hands on his hips

"Whatever, but I hope you know that I'm not eating whatever that mess is," I say pointing to the kitchen causing Ayato to look away embarrassed 

"you know what y/n I'm trying my very best to take care of you it's hard to be a single mom okay?!" he says dramatically 

"STOP CALLING YOURSELF MY MOM" I yell at him grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh and I found this" he says holding up a little charm with a white little pom with two red strings that formed U's on the left and right and a red tassel on the bottom (for those of you who don't know what this is it's Kazuha's little charm)

"Wierd because it's not mine but I feel like I have seen it somewhere," I say as Ayato hands it to me

I have this weird attachment to it but I don't know why? whose was it where did I get?

"y/n, you might've forgotten whose it is because of your vision," Ayato says with his back to me

"my vision? what are you talking about I can see just fine?" I say questioning him he just sighs and starts cleaning the kitchen

wait is Ayato talking about the visions that gods give? but I never received one so what does he mean? unless I did and just don't remember but then where is it?

"Ayato, I don't really understand what you are talking about when you said my vision because I never received one," I say sitting upright

"so you really don't remember? that damn vision hunt decree" he mumbled the last part but I could still hear him

"vision hunt decree what is in teyvat is that?" I exclaim

"It was an order from the Shogun she wants everyone's visions in Inazuma so she can pursue eternity, it's bull and now it got your vision and some of your memories taken away damn, it" Ayato says his back still facing me 

I stand up and was able to walk over to him

"Ayato it's okay I'm sure my vision will get back to me in no time!" I say giving him a reassuring smile, even though I had no hope of it ever coming back since it was the Shoguns order and she surely wouldn't change her mind

"your right y/n, I'll make sure you get your vision back" he says calming down 

and that day started the year my and Ayato spent together trying to wait out the vision hunt decree of course Ayato went back to this Kamisto clan to help out every now and then but he always came back to take care of me sometimes he would bring along Tohma or Ayaka. I did enjoy it but I still felt so empty even when they were at my home like I was still missing two important pieces in my life, but I already knew one of them was my vision but the other one I was completely clueless about. The only thing that I tried to remember over the year was whose charm it was but nothing came up until one day....


and that marks the end of this chapter folks

so guys my break was actually so fun did anybody else have a Feb break if so what did you do? I went snowboarding and visited my cousins college fun right!! anyways so you all in the next chapter!!

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