Chapter 1

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"Beep beep beep beep beep!" It was One's alarm. One pressed the off button.

"One new day!" She exclaimed to herself cheerfully.

She slid down the stair railings of her house and glanced at a picture on her fridge.

It was a photo of One and Two playing together.

"Well... Today's the day I tell him!"

She paused for a second.

"Well, every day I say that but today might be different!"

She opened her door and ran outside to greet the other Numberblocks.

"Hello, Numberland!" She exclaimed.

As she was strolling past the streets she saw Three enjoying her ice cream. 

"Hey, Three!

Too busy eating her ice cream, she just made a small wave at One.

She then spotted Octoblock in his backyard.

"Hi, Octoblock! Great job last night!"

"No problem One. When there's trouble, you know where to find me.

One nodded and continued with her day. She continued to greet her friends until she found Two getting ready to time travel with Sixty-Four.

"Wait! Two!" She waved to him while rushing towards Two.

"Oh, hello One!" Two waved back.

One panted catching her breath.

"Two before you go.."


"It's just that I gotta tell you something."

"Go on."

"Well um-"

One got cut off as an unusual-looking block interrupted her.

"Trying to tell your feelings to someone, eh?"

"Wh-What-?" One stammered in confusion.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt you?"

"Uh..." One didn't know what to say.

"Stammering isn't a great way to get out of this trouble kid."


"Yes, trouble." The block's skull mask uncurled spikes and One felt a pain in her arm.


One woke up in a cage, still feeling the pain in her arm. She looked around and saw Two in a cage too, unconscious. 

One felt uncomfortable seeing this. She then realized their both moving. She looked around more and then saw two fours with red masks carrying their cages.

"Where am I..?" One thought to herself.

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