Chapter 3

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"Octoblock! Octoblock! I need your help!" Shouted a large square named Sixty-Four.

"What's the matter?" Octoblock replied.

"Well uh.. Oh, where do I begin... Well, me and Two were about to time travel and then One ran in and started talking to Two, and then all of the sudden eight skull-masked ones came out of nowhere and took One and Two and I fainted and when I woke up One and Two were gone!"

"What-?" Eight was confused. Not at the weird story, but on how Sixty-Four was talking really fast.

Sixty-Four sighed. "One and Two were taken away."

"Oh. Do you know where they took them?"

"Nope. When I woke up they were already gone."

"And you said these 'Skull-masked ones' had something to do with it, hm?"


"Well then, I'm no Detective One, but we have to find out what in the world is going on!" Octoblock exclaimed heroically.

"Okay.. But how do we find out where they took them?"

"I set up cameras around Numberland so I'll know when Octonaughty is up to no good. Maybe we can check them to see if we can find where these 'skull-masked ones' took our friends."

"Great idea!" Sixty-Four then turned cube shape. "I'm ready for my first mission!"

"Great. Now, let's go!"


"Sir-" It was another one of those twelves that were guarding the entrance.

"Yes?" Octoanughty replied sternly.

"I found this three snooping around our base, what do we do with it?"


"It may join our future army... if it could just KEEP SILENT." Octonaughty shouted.

The three didn't say anything. She knew there might be consequences if she kept fighting back with words alone.

"Much better. Throw it in a cell with the rest of 'em."

The twelve did just so.

"Ow!" The three hit her head on a metal bar.

One looked at the three.

"Your training starts tomorrow. But I do warn you, if you don't pass tomorrow's test, you'll face the consequences." Octonaughty said slyly.

"Th-Th-There's a test?" Two asked shivering.

"Yes." Octonaughty replied. "Now that's the only question I'll answer. Keep your mouth shut before my patience is finished.

Two nodded, still shivering.

"D-Don't worry," One whispered. "We'll make it through the test tomorrow, I promise." One said reassuringly.

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