Chapter 1

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"Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion." -Dylan Thomas


Chapter 1

3 Years Later ......

I'm on the stage, light all on my face and I'm singing my life, my happiness, my sadness, my pain said through my lips. The smell of sweat and joy lingered through , people screaming my name and smiles on their faces. This is the image of Nina Sembers happiness I have created for myself, but its all a lie. I am a twenty-four yeas old superstar. To the world I'm a good girl but to the night of L.A, California I'm a party girl.

When I sing I'm purely innocent my songs are pure and meaningful but to my friends when it comes to clubbing I'm nothing but wild and crazy. I don't do much except sing and go to clubs, there is no private life for me. It's all fun, no love. I want love but the person I want I can't have because he's gone. For me finding love would only hurt more than it does to not have the one person I want more than anything. So for now I'm just going to be a free single women with no priorites but to sing. While on stage I'm pouring my heart out with emotions and feeling everything I'm saying. Anger, sadness, lost, loneliness, is what I feel when I'm singing. I love singing because everyone can hear me but I also hate it because I'm raw and vulnerable on stage.

After getting off the stage I take my ear piece off and my manger Terry walks up to me saying "Great Performance Nina, Hughe Jackmen called and told me you have a shoot for Wonder Living magazine on Tuesday."

With a fake grin I nod and say " Great Terry, now somebody get this damn mic off of me!."

Some women came from behind me and took it off me and I headed for my dressing room with Terry behind me. "Terry can you go get me my car so I can go out tonight.".

Terry sighs and run his fingers through his hair "Nina this is the third time this week, wouldn't you like to go home?."

In all Honesty I did want to go home its been a long tiresome day but I couldn't stand to be alone. Not now not ever, I just sighed at Terry's comment, "Terry can you just do it please."

He nods "Ok Nina" he says with a sad face on when exiting the room.

I change into some different clothes that were more meant for clubbing which for me is a black dress with sideways triangle cut outs on both sides and black velvet felt pumps with red bottoms. As I walk out of my dressing room I head outside to my SUV and get in the back.

Then my driver Tomas ask "Where to Ms. Semeber ?"

I pause for a moment to think where and then I say "Club 7 on Washington ave." Saying the number seven makes my heart ache because it reminded me of him. The man I lost and who broke my heart making me the way I am.


I entered Club 7 and the music was loud, there was so much dancing and drinking. It was very intense. There were many couples which makes me feel sad and depressed, so I went over to the bar and sat down.

I sighed and asked the bartender, "Hey can I get a Shirely Temple?"

The bartender replied "Yes ma'am."

When my drink came up I just stared at it playing with my fingers around the rim. The bartender see's that and ask "Is the drink ok ma'm?"

I sigh take a sip and answer " Yes its perfectly fine."

The barteneder nods and heads over to tend to another customer. I sigh again and take another sip of my drink. I knew I shouldn't have came but I can't stay in that apartment alone. I mean I could have asked Terry over, only to sleep of course beacuse I won't mix business with my very personal life but I ask so much of Terry I didn't want to ask anymore of him. I snapped out of my oblivious thoughts by a guy who sits next to me smiling at me, being the polite person I am I return the smile for a fake one because thats the only smile I can give him.

"Hey" the handsome guy says.

"Hi" I reply back to him.

"Now I was wondering why a beautiful women like you is sitting all alone" he says with a smile.

"I don't know you tell me" putting on a mischevious smirk.

"I will if can buy you a drink."

"I'm actually not interested in a drink" I say with my smirk growing wider.

"Oh then what are you interested in?" he says seductively with a smirk of his own on his face.

I get up from the bar stool and stand right in front of him, looking up at him because he has a few inches on me. I take my hand and run it over his cheek, taking my thunb over his lips. Suprising me he bites my thumb causing me to gasp. He kisses my thumb and takes my hand in his exiting the club.

He stops me as we are in front of his car "By the way my names Nolan Ford."

I nodded "My names Nina Sember".

With that we got in the car, I gave Nolan my address and we drove in silence to my apartment.


Getting to my apartment building we get out the car and head up to my floor on the elevator. We get to my floor and I get my keys out my bag as I do that Nolan wraps his hands around my waist while kissing on my neck. I open the door kicking off my heels, Nolan does the same with his shoes. He then pushes me softly on the wall beside my bed room door. Nolan kisses me, trailing his kisses down my neck. He finds the zipper on the back of my dress. Nolan pulls it down until its down to my feet. Kissing my neck he trails the kissing to my stomach, then he kisses me on my panties trailing farther down to my thighs. His hands have a hold on my panties, I know he's going to take them off. To stop him I pull him back by his shoulder

Nolan looks at me confused "Whats wrong ?".

"uhh.... I'm just tired its late and I've had a long day" I say.

"Oh, do you want me to leave ?"

"No!!!" I said loundly and quickly.

"Uhh, what I mean is just sleep with me in bed. I really don't want to have sex tonight. Its been a long day and I uhh.. just want to sleep," I say nervously.

Nolan nod in understandment " Ok well I need to brush my teeth first so can I have a tooth brush ?."

I nod yes and get one out of the cabinet handing it to Nolan. I walk away to my room, brushing my teeth in my room's bathroom. As I get into bed Nolan walks in and nods at me putting his clothes on a chair, leaving him with just his boxers on. He walks over to my bed and lays on the left side while getting under on the covers.

"Goodnight" I say with a fake smile.

"Goodnight" he replies back putting his arm around my waist.

I sigh deeply and look at my ceiling falling into my thoughts. Thinking this is what I do, to fall asleep. I take men to my apartment thinking that we'll have sex, then I tell them I'm tired and ask them to stay for the night. I have not once since Andrew died let another man inside of me. Sex is symbolic to me, it means love and trust. I have certainly not trusted or love any of these men to have sex with them. Sometimes I think I'll never find love and my life will be subjected to tricking men and always feeling lonely. With that I start to fall into a deep sleep.

Hope you liked the first chapter there is much more to come.
Please tell me what you think!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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