III. Marriage proposal

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*Spotify playlist for the chapter, brought to you by @_anasta: Red Royal Flush on Spotify

"Can someone explain to me what in the world is going on ?"

The day had arrived. Under Aoi's convincing threats, Zenitsu was forced to take part in the daily training session of the Butterfly Program. A program that was supposed to train fighters to become either royal guards or soldiers. A program that "really isn't made for people like you, Zenitsu", as Aoi had pointed out.

Yet, even though fighting had always been something that the blond despised profoundly, he couldn't quite escape it anymore. It was a sort of reality check. 

But it was certainly not what he had expected. 

Instead of the usual sandy courtyard where boys would wrestle all covered in sweat, the training place was an indoor temple surrounded by a dense forest. Where he expected shouts and violence, the blond only found utter peace and silence. It was a sort of meditation all 'fighters' were taking part in.

"What do you not understand?" huffed Aoi. "In order to use their power adequately, our fighters must control their breath. The most talented ones will eventually reveal a certain aptitude, and the Emperor himself will teach them the fundamental power of the sun. The others will follow a more classical path, learning about sword fights against humans and such. Breath control is essential against demons, a-"

"Demons don't exist," Zenitsu voiced out, startling some 'fighters' in the process. He had had enough of this stupid tale. "Would you stop talking about them all day? I get that the boar would believe in such things, but you, on the other hand, seemed rather intelligent..."


Zenitsu gritted his teeth. He would be able to recognize Inosuke's grating voice among a thousand.

"For the love of God, could you pronounce my name correctly for once?"

"Ha ha! You're looking kind of mad. Do you want my opinion?"

"Neither do I need it, nor do I want it..."

"Well, I think that you're angry because you can't get the princess. Am I wrong, loser?"

Zenitsu laughed wryly. "You think that I'm that desperate? Sorry, but I know my worth. You, on the other hand, are nothing more than a loud fool with a weird attraction for boars." 

"You wanna repeat that, feeble doll?"

"Whenever you want. But I'm not sure you'll get it, so I'll save us some unnecessary chitchatting."

"Could you guys calm down?" begged Aoi.

But it was too late. Zenitsu's remark had already bitten Inosuke's pride. And as the boar's wrath plummeted, a thick cloud of dust began to rise around his feet.

"Ima show you who the fool really is!" Forming a dusty ring behind his tracks, Inosuke charged in the blond's direction, with a firm intention of knocking him out. Zenitsu couldn't quite believe his eyes. 

But he didn't quite believe in his capacity to run away either.

A loud thud resounded in the room. Followed by another. Zenitsu had passed out disgracefully, and Kanao had reacted right in time, knocking Inosuke out before he'd charge into Zenitsu's fainting body. The two boys were now on the ground, inert. 

"Well done Kanao..." sighed Aoi, realizing that she'd have to tend to their wounds. "I really don't get men sometimes. It hasn't even been a day!" 

Kanao gazed down. 

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