Chapter 11: Arson

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Tw Fire and swearing

Today was the day. The Bench Trio were going to get caught or surrender idk what you would call it.They were all wearing their villain outfits. They even got Tubbo one. He was wearing a green button up with black ripped jeans.He had an old coat that they had found in a thrift store. Ranboo had sown some patches. Lastly, Tubbo has a gas mask on with a toxic symbol earring on.

Tommy let a long sigh” I'm scared”

“It's okay, everyone gets scared, even big men.”Tubbo says

“Yeah your right”

Ranboo is staring into space

“You good Boo”Tubbo says, sounding caring

He slid down the door.” I'm going to be a hero” His face in shock” I'm going to be a HERO”

“You are boo. Is that a bad thing?”Tubbo said

“I dont know ive always wanted to be one but everyone said i couldn't be one.Its a bittersweet feeling.I kind of dont want to be one.”Ranboo let out a sigh

“Being the bad guys fun” Ranboos eyes flash green then go back to the normal gray eyes

“What was that Boo?” Tubbo said, backing up closer to Tommy.

“What was what Bee?”Ranboo said, confused.

“Nothing anyway let's get on a roof.”I say giving Tubbo “let's talk about this later”look

“Yeah let's go” Ranboo was still super confused.

So the Bench Trio teleported to a rooftop around the apartment. They agreed to go to an abandoned warehouse to set it on fire. Why? Because Tubbo wanted to so they did.(Also my older sibling told me to put arson in this fic)When they got to the warehouse Tubbo started to pour gasoline inside the building. Ranboo started to pull the matches out while all of them walked out. At once the all lighted matches thourghing them into the warehouse.Tubbo started to laugh maniacally while Ranboo was awe struck.Then the heroes showed up.

(lol you thought it was the end of the chapter)

Tommy smiled and he felt alive. While running away he yelled” Watch it burn motherfucker”

All of The Bench Trio were laughing while people were trying to stop the fire from spreading.But their heroes were focused on getting the rebels . The Blade was on their tail with The Angel of Death right behind them. Willow was not too far behind. And what the heroes thought they were going to keep running but at once they turned around and stopped.The heroes got up.

“What” The heroes all said extremely confused 

“You guys won.” Ranboo said

“You played well”Tubbo said

“So you win.” Tommy said as all of them put their hands out.

“What” The Blade and Willow said

“We are turning ourselves in.We are going to play your game.”Ender said

“You giving up then” Willow said

“No we realized it's time to stop” Bee said

After the heroes put handcuffs on them. They lead them to the Hero Tower for them to meet XD.

Its been awhile hasnt it. Well i just realized that there is no chapter 6 am i going to fix it? No deal with it.Also Tales of the Smp it was amazing. This fc is coming to an end sad i know. But i have another one im working on.Till next time .
Eat sleep drink water and stay poggers

Outrunning the law|| Bench trio and SbiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora