Chapter 1: Underfell Sans

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She sat outside in the snowy woods sobbing loudly, her small body freezing in the snow, the wind that occasionally rolled by helping her none. It was only a matter of time before she froze to death, having nothing but a baggy shirt and shorts on, not even shoes. She had tried to find shelter, but all she found were naked trees that did nothing for any form of help.

So she did what any toddler would do. She gave up and cried, mostly from the pain of the cold. She hoped that someone would hear her and rescue her from her suffering, before it was too late.

Sans grumbled under his breath as he trudged down the snowy path. Papyrus had chewed him out when he found him taking a little snooze in his sentry outpost, telling him how worthless he was, that he couldn't even keep watch properly. Before it was time for work earlier, the Boss practically threw him out of the house an hour too early, telling him to get to work and for some reason no matter what he did, Sans could not get on his brother's good side today.

So Papyrus ordered him to get off his lazy ass and patrol. That will keep him awake and it did. All Sans could do about it was grumble and do what his brother told him to do.

What was that noise? Crying? Who could be crying all the way out here? Sans made his way through the trees, following the noise until he stood in front of a pale, tiny human. He stared, dumbfounded.

"how the hell did you get here?!" he picked up the toddler and she immediately clung to him, looking for some kind of warmth. "hey, hey! w-what do ya think yer doin'?!"

ah, hell...

She was so small! A baby, he concluded. A human baby! Boss would definitely praise him for this! But...

"fuckin' hell, yer freezin'. how long were ya out here fer?" Finally, her crying was getting to him and he cringed as she seemed to get louder. "alright, already, i get it! i'm only doin' this to shut yer ass up, ya hear me?!"

Quickly, he unzipped his fluffy sweater enough so he can stick her in, then zipped it up the rest of the way. He put an arm under her to support her and put a hand on her back to push her closer to his body and he shivered. Her tiny body felt like an over-sized ice cube. How long was she truly out here for?

He felt bad for her. She was out here for God knows how long, only to warm up enough to get handed over to Papyrus. Then she'll be shipped off to the King.

Maybe...he can convince his brother to give her a break. He let that other kid with that coward of a flower through. Maybe he'll let this one go, too. It's just a baby. It's not like he's going to get very far holding her anyway.

Coming to a decision, he finally noticed that she quieted down significantly.

"hey." he called. "yer not dead, are ya?"

He didn't go through the trouble of holding her freezing cold body just to have her die in his sweater. No way. When he didn't get any sort of answer, he jostled her a bit.

"i'm talkin' to ya!" that earned him a whine that sounded like she was about to start crying again, but stopped short. "good."

Now then, the only way he can get passed here without running into Papyrus would be to teleport. He didn't want to, but that might be the only—


Shit! There's no way he's going to get away with not answering him! OK, this kid's small enough, he might be able to pull it off. Before heading toward him, Sans stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweater and supported her that way instead, it'll look more natural.

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