Chapter 5 Alicorns of Death it's self

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Adsila had lead the way to the medicine clinic, where they had found Aganippe. Her wounds were dressed and she looked better now then before, but she was still unconscious.

"Will she be OK," asked Applejack.

"I don't know," the medic admitted.

"How can you not know your a doctor for crying out loud," Rainbow dash commented.

"I don't know because she is in the hooves of her sister's now they decide her fate," stated the medicine pony.

"what does that mean," asked Twilight.

"You ponies don't know anything do you, guess i have to explain. There are three Death Gods Aganippe is one and her two sister's are the others. They decide if a pony dies or lives when it is seriously injured. But now Aganippe is that pony. Her sisters will decide whether she dies or continues living," said the medic angrily.

Adsila spoke up.

"i'am afraid we have some bad news," she said.

"What, what could be worse then that," said Rainbow dash impatiently.

"Aganippe's sisters are coming here," she stated.

"That's good right," asked Rarity slowly.

"Not really because you're talking about two more ponies here that can be crueler then Aganippe at times, especially this," she said nervously.


They were waiting outside now in the middle of the night. Adsila and Alhan were holding lanterns to light up the area around them. They had been waiting for 4 hours now, for Aganippe's sisters to arrive. They heard wings flapping up ahead. Then appeared 2 alicorns.

"Welcome Dark angel and Night Lock," said Adsila hesitantly.

The duo smiled at her, their smiles looked forced and evil to Twilight.

"Where is Aganippe," ordered the black death alicorn.

"Right this way," said Adsila nervously as she led the way to the clinic.

When they arrived they alicorns went in to see their sister. Twilight studied there looks. The one called Dark Angel had a white coat. Her mane was a Mohawk just like Aganippe's. Her tail was also a zebra tail like Aganippe's. Her hair color was bright red and black. she had dark pinkish purple marks on her. she wore a similar necklace to Aganippe's and she had 2 ruby earrings on each ear. Her cutie mark was similar to Aganippe's but had red wings under the skull and cross bones and four X's around it. The other alicorn called Night Lock was black coated. with red stripes like Aganippe's. She also had a Mohawk that was two shades of dark red. She had the same tail as Aganippe. She wore the same style necklace as both her sisters and three red round pearl earrings. Her cutie mark was another skull and cross bones but with three tiny purple berries. She also had a jagged scar running down the left side of her neck. Both alicorns scared and peaked interest in Twilight, she wanted to know more about them. She began to approach the alicorn Dark Angel.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you," said Night Lock as she walked up to Twilight from behind.

"Why," asked Twilight as she stopped walking towards Dark Angel and turned to face the dark alicorn.

"Dark Angel is dangerous never get to close," she replied as she turned away from Twilight to gaze at her white coated sister.

"Dangerous how," Twilight asked with curiosity.

"She can go insane in a second, but only when she sees something related to death or violence. She will go nuts and kill any pony in a close range. She only seems sane on the outside right now, but i think she might go crazy soon considering we are in a medicine clinic and our sister is on a hospital bed with serious injuries," she stated to the lavender unicorn.

Twilight looked up at the alicorn disbelievingly.

"Now if you won't mind i am going to decide Aganippe's fate now," said Night Lock rudely as she walked towards the bed Aganippe was laying on.

Twilight watched as Dark Angel joined her sister. They tilted their heads in above Aganippe and their horns touched and started to glow. The three alicorns were wrapped in a bright red glow that shimmered till Twilight had to close her eyes, then the light dulled and faded away. Twilight rubbed her eyes and looked up and saw all three alicorns on their feet, Aganippe looked healed now. Then Twilight noticed Dark Angel, her pupils were tiny and she had a viscous grin on her face, she was staring direactly at Twilight.

And before Twilight could react the crazed alicorn pounced.........

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