Chapter 28: Kitana

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"So?" Ayumi looked at Kitana with hooded eyes. "What’s your excuse?"

The young Chief didn’t look at her, nonchalantly preparing a pot of tea for the two of them. Ayumi had sent Aryan out, the warrior recognizing the hardness in Ayumi’s eyes and fleeing the room. Ayumi wouldn’t say she was mad –she knew the risk of Tasmeria being discovered was too big to be revealed for someone like her.

It was more the radio silence that bothered her, especially since Ayumi had specifically sent Alex ahead of her with a note. Her friend didn’t look at her, her back turned to Ayumi who cast the brunette resentful eyes. 

If Ryuga hadn’t listened to her, what would she have done?

Nothing really, since she’d be dead and the enchantment on Tasmeria would be lifted forever. The magic was tied to Ayumi’s life force after all. Tasmeria was a village that had been hidden from the world for thousands of years, their connection to the outside world limited. The reason they were so wary and cautious of outsiders was because they were tasked with full filling an ancient prophecy yet to come true. 

Like the prophecy of the star fragment, there was another one, much older and greater. Tasmeria was the name of the seer who’d prophesied it and his descendants were tasked with protecting the words of the prophecy until it came to pass. 

The lack of interference from the outside world had led to major technological advancements, though the people never forgot their culture and heritage, to the point they incorporated it into their new lifestyle. 

When Ayumi had stumbled upon them by accident, the invisible barrier that hid and separated Tasmeria from the world had been weakening over the years, leading to rumors of a hidden village in the nearest town due to the accidental crossing of some travelers. It had caused massive conflict in the village, to the point there was danger of civil war. 

Just a few months later, a purified Ayumi would renew the barrier with Fenrir –pouring her uncorrupted energy into the barrier. Ever since then, she’d made sure to renew it every few months. 

Ayumi remembered a younger Kitana finding her in the woods, caring for her and nursing her back to health. Though Kitana had grown colder over the years after her ascension, it was understandable. But Ayumi would be lying she didn’t miss the older woman’s kind smile. 

Kitana was kind, she was gentle. Her position as the head of her tribe had made her harder though, since the fate of hundreds of people rested on her shoulders. She was stern, firm and hard. 

Ayumi was pulled out of her thoughts as Kitana held out a piece of paper, finally turning to look at her. She immediately became sheepish as her eyes read the letters. 

Mega-Crust’s Burger Place!

Order number: 2353123

Name: Ash Blaze

Order:  3 Mega-Crusty Burgers

            2 Mega-Crusty Fries

           1 Mega-Crusty Soda

Thank you for dining at Mega-Crust!

"Do tell me how I was to interpret your distress message." Kitana informed her dryly. "Seeing as you have pulled pranks like these in the past."


"Though Alex did seem oddly determined to drag me out of the barrier."

It seemed Ayumi had handed Alex the wrong paper in her panic. Her faithful familiar had reached the outpost, only for his message to be utterly useless. Not understanding what was wrong, he’d ended up rioting or rather- as Kitana put it- trying to drag the Chieftain out of her own tribe by the robes. Ayumi wasn’t quite sure how to juggle the mix of embarrassment, fondness and sheepishness she felt. 

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