Chapter 22: Brothers Reunited

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Ryuto's eyes were wide as he shamelessly stared at the sight of his older brother. Ryuga, for the most part looked well if not a little rough around the edges judging by his frayed clothing. He made a mental note to force the narcissistic blader into new clothes. The older Nakamoto on the other hand, smirked at the flabbergasted look on his little brother's face. The boy backed away, disbelief painting his face.

'W-What? Ryuga is that really you? I'm not hallucinating am I? I knew it,' Ryuto punched his hand, frowning. 'I knew something was wrong in that drink; cherry coke doesn't taste like that. Yeah that's it, you can go now Ryuga.'

Ryuga looked unamused. 'Hey idiot, I'm the real deal you know.'

Ryuto's eyes shot up and he stared hard at the L-Drago wielder. 'Wait, s-so you're real?!'

Ryuga just gave him a look. One Ryuto was very familiar with. When usually the younger recoiled at it, Ryuga was surprised and horrified as tears welled up in Ryuto's eyes.

'What the hell-' He ground out but was cut off as Ryuto launched himself at Ryuga with an unearthly wail.

'You-YOU IDIOT!' Ryuto wailed as he tried to punch any and every part of Ryuga he could get his hands on. 'You. Stupid. Hot Headed. Egotistical. IDIOT.'

Each word was punctuated with a punch. To his credit Ryuga didn't immediately push his brother away, instead standing there silently looking quite lost as to what to do. He'd never been in a situation like this before and therefore chose tp stare down at his weeping brother in confusion. He guessed he owed the shrimp that at least. Besides, it wasn't if the punches were hurting him at all. There was a reason Ryuga called him shrimp. For all his bravado, the younger Nakamoto had little physical power.

'First you just had to dissappear without telling anyone, then find me while on Death's doorstep, the dissappear again, then get yourself killed by a creep ass god, then come back to life miraculously and NOT TELL ME. What the hell dude?'

The last sentence trailed off as a question as if Ryuto himself wasn't sure. It was was if all his righteous anger had evaporated into exasperation and hurt. Ryuga used this moment to extract himself from his little brother's clutches and dust off the imaginary dirt on his clothes. The silence between them was tense and neither of the two dared say anything and Ryuga, though slightly irritated by the over reaction had yeh decency to not agitate Ryuto by a careless comment. Not tonight anyways, tomorrow however, was an other story.

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'You mean Ayumi?' Ryuto asked his brother who was currently busy chomping down on some of the rabbit Ryuto had caught earlier. The two were sitting around a campfire Ryuga had lit with L-Drago eating dinner as Ryuga explained just what he was doing so far out in the deserts.

The previous tense atmosphere between had been broken when Ryuto's stomach grumbled causing Ryuga to smirk and Ryuto to blush. Though things weren't all sunshine and rainbows between them, at least they could hold a decent conversation and the two had set up camp for the night. Ryuto had to admit, the company was nice; he'd never admit it out loud but he'd been a little lonely after Ayumi's sudden departure.

And speaking of the girl, Ryuto couldn't believe his ears. Apparently his snarky companion was a wanted criminal? Despite Ryuga's news Ryuto found it hard to believe that the mature but sassy girl was a bad person. He'd always known there was something deeper to her but not this. After all nature never lied and the animal fest she'd had before could attest to that. No animal would've come close to her if it was like that, they were like that. His brother on the other hand, Ryuto's eye twitched, had never gotten along with any species. And that included humans.

Now if the WBBA had to declare someone a known criminal, it would be his wayward brother. No offense but his brother was like that. And he liked to scare the shit out of anyone and everyone. He told his brother about his misgivings regarding the matter and was pleasantly surprised when the blader grunted in agreement.

Normally Ryuga would be off doing stuff on his own; refusing to accept help from anyone let alone anyone's opinions. He couldn't help feel his older brother was different somehow. He shook the thought off as Ryuga started talking.

'Anyone with brains would've realised the clown was lying about something. And he kept telling the lackeys to catch her even though she hadn't done shit.' Ryuga said, his eyes staring intensely at the campfire. 'He wants her just because she's seemingly dangerous. Like the idiot doesn't realise there are tons of destructive bladers right under his nose that destroy a stadium in every bey battle. Heck his own son's one of them.'

'Hey,' Ryuto tilted his head. 'You surprisingly into this. You know for someone doesn't usually care.'

Ryuto watched as a terrifying smirk crawled it's way upto his brother's face, lighting up his harsh features as fire burned brighter.

'Oh I don't care what happens to her as long as I get my battle. Those fools already interrupted my chance before. I'm not letting them get in the way again.'

'So it's about the battle.' Ryuto sweat dropped. He should've realised, his brother may be scary and intimidating but he was a bey blade idiot at heart. And that unfortunately, meant that Ryuga's obsession with the girl knew no limits. He almost felt sorry for Ayumi.

'So everything aside, what do you want from me?' Ryuto said, a little confused.

'That guy,' Ryuga grimaced as he tried to describe Dynamis. 'Pretty boy... wears wedding dresses and talks weirdly; you know him. '

'You mean Dynamis?' Ryuto's eyes widened in realization before he burst into laughter. 'Pfft wait- wedding dresses?'

Ryuga's eye twitched as Ryuto roared with laughter at his description of the lavender haired guardian. He growled when Ryuto wouldn't stop laughing who in turn calmed down a little at his brother's death glare.

'Yeah him, so?'

'She was last there.'

'Ahh, I see.' Ryuto got it. It was only natural to contact the person who last saw her. And that unfortunately was Dynamis. Poor Dynamis, he had no idea what was coming. Ryuto snickered as he imagined the look on the blader's face. Ryuga gave him a look before standing up and walking away.

'We leave in the morning.' Ryuga said suddenly stopping in his tracks. 'But first...'

Ryuga's eyes glinted menacingly as he took out L-Drago. Ryuto gulped nervously as his brother stalked towards him.

'How about a battle?'

(_) (_) (_) (_)

Ryuto cursed his older brother to the fiery pits of hell. How did he expect him to go on a grueling journey because of Ryuga's stalker crush on Ayumi after he'd trashed him in a bey battle?

Ryuto hated to admit it, but he was terribly out of shape. Either his brother had miraculously gotten even more stronger or he'd been slacking off. He'd never been Ryuga's match but at the very least he could hold his own. He'd once been so used to Ryuga's overwhelming strength that when he'd first encountered the 'indefeatable' and 'indomitable' bandits, they were...well annoying pests in his path.

Oh well.

Atleast he'd get to enjoy the fiasco that would be Dynamis and Ryuga's meeting. That at least was something to look forward to. Until then however, he sighed as he looked at his older brother who was polishing L-Drago, he'd have to try and hope he pissed Ryuga off as much as possible. A mischievous look crawled up his face and he grinned devilishly. Now that, he could work with.

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Author's note

I'm an indecisive piece of shit that loves Beyblade no matter how old she gets. At least now you guys can expect new content and more adventures. Oh well. I'm gonna try to make the chapters longer now. Filler chapter but you kinda get an insight into Ryuto's relationship with Ryuga and Ryuga's weird 'stalker crush' on Ayumi as Ryuto put it.

Until the next chapter guys!

Flame Fenrir

Disclaimer : Flame Fenrir owns nothing but the plot and her OC character so no hate!

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