Part three

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Chapter 17: "ahhhhhhh"
Chapter 18: FOOD
Chapter 19: our first practice
Chapter 20:camping

Chapter 17
" she knows more about you then you do i'm telling ya" ron said as we walked toward the common room hermione yanked my sleeve " what's up mione" i said as she pointed to the part of the staircase that indicated that the stairs where going to move, started to move. But before I could say anything the staircase started to move. I grabbed a hold on the railing as the staircase moved to the next floor and stopped. "Lets go" Harry said " yeah before the staircase moves again." Ron said as we ran to the one door in front of the end of the staircase. " why do I feel like we should not be here" me and ron said.  " We are not supposed to be here, this is the third floor, it is forbidden" Hermionie said.  " We should probably go," I said. All of a sudden the fire lit in front of us. *meow, there was a cat behind us. " It's mis. nores, ''Ron said. '' RUN '' Harry yelled then took off running as fast as he could the other way so we followed . Then we got to a door " lets hide in here" i said. Then Harry tried the door " IT'S LOCKED" Harry snapped at me, making me jump out of fear.      " Oh move over '' Hermionie said   "alohomora" she said then the door opened and we walked in and shut the door. " Filch is gone...I wonder why this door was locked" ron said as he walked toward us" it was for a good reason at that" harry said . Then we all looked toward where Harry was looking. There was a huge cerberus in front of us just standing there. All of a sudden the dog started barking. " AHHHHH " we all screamed and ran toward the door. We swung open the door and had to push it closed before the cerberus got out. It was really hard to close because the dog was trying to push it open. Well, we were trying to close the door. After we get the door shut we run as fast as we can to the common room to talk about what just happened. When we got to the common room, we decided to go to the boys room.  When we got there we sat down, Harry and I were on his bed and Ron and Hermione were on the other. " ok we need to talk about two things, first what the bloody hell are they doing with that thing in a school? Ron said. " You don't use your eyes do you, it was standing on a trap door which means it was not there by accident, its guarding something" hermionie said "now if you three dont mind i am going to be going to bed before y'all come up with another idea to get us killed or worse expelled" she said as she left the room. " ok '' I said "what was the other thing  you wanted to talk about? ''Harry asked ron? " erm Ashley, are you ok? '' Ron asked. '' yeah why would i not be '' i said with a little shake in my voice. " Really because I saw how you jumped when Harry snapped at you" roon said looking deep into my eyes. I looked away trying not to cry. All of a sudden I feel Harry's arm around my shoulder. " Are you ok?" he asked. I turned and hugged him crying into his shoulder. We sat there for a while and I eventually fell asleep. Harry noticed that I was asleep and laid me on his bed and covered me up under the covers. " What do you think happened to her?'' Ron asked ''I don't know but I don't think we should ask because it seemed to upset her."  Harry said " we should go to bed " Harry said as he grabbed the extra pillow next to me and the blanket on the end of the bed, and set up a bed on the floor next to the bed .

Chapter 18
Food was my love language . It didn't have to be fancy or complicated, but it had to come from the soul and speak to the people who ate it. Something as commonplace as chicken. I was down in our kitchen making dinner, it was going to be chicken alfredo draco and my favorite food. " Whatcha making" Draco says coming into the kitchen. " Guess," I said as I was suring the pasta. He walked over to me and looked into the pot. " chicken alfredo'' he said " yep our favorite" i said " can i help" draco asked " sure watch the pot, make sure nothing burns, i am going to cut the chicken'' i said turning to our island where had the chicken setting on the cutting board with a knife.   " ok " Draco said, picking up the spoon and stirring the noodles. " Let's turn on some music" I said, walking over to the radio and turning it on. We started dancing and singing around the kitchen making the food. Once the chicken alfredo was done i started on the brownies well draco was dancing and singing making the table. " Hey, do you want to lick the spatula?" I asked Draco once the bronies went into the oven. " Sure," he said, walking over to me. " Here you go," I said, handing him the spatula. " Wow, those are going to be amazing,'' he said, walking to sit on the chair next to the counter. I walked over to the sink and started washing dishes. I started to think was there anything that needed to be done before dad came down for dinner. I looked around " nope" I said "what " Draco said "nothing just talking to myself " i said " ok the brownies are done can you go get dad" i said to draco who nodded " thank you" i said as he walked away to the staircase. I started  serving the food so dad did not have to do it. " What's for dinner?" dad asked as he sat down to his plate. I walked over to him with the hot pot and went to set it down. Not knowing that my dad's hand was right where I was setting it and putting it right on his hand " ahhhh" he yelled as I quickly picked up the pot " i am so sorry i....." i started but was cut off " this is why you are a worthless child" he yelled at me then got up and started to walk up the stairs. Well he was walking up the stairs he yelled  " i hate your cooking anyway" then slammed the bathroom door making me and draco jump. I started to cry because it was an accident, I didn't purposefully set a pot on his hand. Draco came running over and hugged me " it's ok, he is just upset, don't believe anything he said it is not true, you are not worthless, and your cooking is amazing even if dad does not think so" draco said holding me tight as i cried into his shoulder. Then I was woken up by Harry shaking me telling me that I needed to go get ready for practice because we had our first game today .

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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