Chapter 19- He Has a Sister?!

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The fans were asking if Niall really cheated on me with her. We all said "No" at the same. We all start laughing and looking at each other. The fans look confused "but Niall you guys kissed each other." One girl said confused "it was a cheek kiss, you know for friends.....Or family" he said the last part quiet. "Family?" One girl says. "She's my twin" he finally says. They gasp in unison. "Really?! But you told the fans you only have 1 brother...." I see where they are coming from. It did take me a while to grasp what he said. "Well some stuff went on, so my family told me to say I only have a brother. I'm sorry you feel I lied, but it was to protect my family. More importantly my twin" they reassured him that it was okay, although he doesn't seem convinced they believe him. I take him over, and say "Niall they will all understand, just give them some time.

Once it really sinks in to the fans they will understand. You only did what you were asked, and what would protect her. Is that why she moved here to America? To protect herself?" He nods. I comfort him and say "babe they will understand, it's not your fault" I kiss him, and we head back. "Okay, why don't we head back to the hotel and get some rest. I'm tired from taking Erin around the mall." I say to Niall and Kristyn. "You guys go! I'll take care of Erin. You two spend some alone time together! I promise I'll watch her at all times. I want to take her shopping, and buy her some stuff!!!" Kristyn says all excited. We agree and head to the car. Security is escorting us back to the hotel. We finally make it, after 30 minutes of Chaos, and screaming fans. We make it to our room, and I can't help but kiss my amazing husband! He kisses a little harder, and things got heated.

About 30 minutes later we both decided since we are childless to take a nap. It was so peaceful, and amazing to just be with him. We love our little Erin, but quality time with just each other is amazing. I know it won't last long so I just want to make use of it. I fall asleep in the arms of my amazing husband. We stayed like that, until we got a call from Kristyn. "Hey I'm downstairs they won't let me up" Niall and I get up, and go downstairs. We get the girls, and bring them up.
We bring her up to our room, "Wow this is a bit messy...don't the maids make the beds?" she asked Niall and I snicker a bit, "we fell asleep as soon as we got its a bit messy sorry." she looks at us like she doesn't believe us. "Okay" and she drops it. "well I need to head back to my hotel. I'm getting sleepy, so we should meet up tomorrow. I want to meet all your friends!!" she says all excited. We give her hugs and she leaves. After the door closes i slap Niall. "why did you snicker, you made me laugh. Now she probably knows we did something." Little Erin yawns, and we lay her down in her crib. We sit down on the bed, and just think about all that has happened in the past 24 hours. It's insane how you can feel really close to your husband, but then something huge happens that makes you two 100xs closer.
Niall and I fell back asleep, we ended up sleeping through the night, it was a long day. He was just as exhausted as I was.

The next morning, Niall was up and getting ready when I got up. He must of hear Erin get up, so he got up to feed her. She gets up at like 6 am every morning, and thinks the world should be up too. I really wish Niall and I could have another kid, but ever since our one doctors appointment, where they said we couldnt, we've been crushed. I have always wanted to adopt a baby, give someone a life, they normally wouldnt be able to have. It would be amazing, and I know Niall would love to adopt too. I think I might mention it to him, about how I have been thinking lately of adopting a little girl or boy. Honestly, I think once he's on break, he would be all for it. Niall and I always talked about trying when Erin was 3 well, now that she is almost 4 I think it would be a great time to adopt a little girl or boy. It has been 3 1/2 weeks since Niall first left with the boys, I figure if we wait until the end of tour which is 21 weeks, then we might be able to make this happen.

I am deep in thought when Niall comes back into the room, after showering and getting dressed and brushes his teeth. "Whats on your mind?" I dont even miss a beat "We should adopt a baby!!!!!!" I say all excited!!! " I mean we can't have another one, so why not make the life of a little girl or boy?!" He thinks about it , but then I see a smile creep on his face. "I love it, you and I have both wanted to adopt a little girl or boy. So why not!!! We have the money, and once I'm on break well have the time to take care of him or her. " Niall says all excited

After all the excitement calms I see everyone is tweeting Niall's audition to X-Factor, so I decide to re watch it. Niall heres what i'm doing and comes on the bed, to watch it with me. "hahah I was so excited that day, but also soo nervous. Looking back now I was also so naive to the business, and how crazy it really is. " Niall says with his cute little laugh. As we wait for the judges to give Niall his fate, even though we knew the answer we got nervous. Like were watching this seasons episode of a young boy who would do anything to live his dreams. And we want him to go through more than anything, "I'm so glad Katy said yes, if not i wouldn't have met the most amazing people in my life. And more importantly i wouldn't have you or our little Erin." Niall leans down and kisses my lips, we get a little into , when the phone falls from my hands on to the ground. That noise stopped us. Erin came in the room from going to the bathroom, and wanted to know when we were going to see auntie Kristyn. We told her in just a few hours, we would meet Kristyn at the park so she could play, and have fun. Erin had the most adorable facial expression, she loves the park. We told her after she finished getting ready to go, we would leave the hotel and start to walk over there. So she ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, and washed her hands. She ran out saying "IM READYY, PARK PAR PARKKKK!!!!!!!!" she screamed! We couldn't help but laugh a little "What?" she said "Nothing baby lets head over there." we grabbed her hand, and started for the park.

(Okay this is it for tonight! I will try to upload a chapter tomorrow ! i hope you guys like this chapter , Vote, comment and follow me!
xxxxx THANKS GUYS! Love you!

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