New Experiences

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Vincent and Scott had lived together for a while, they had a relationship that was going strong - but it lacked one aspect of the 'normal relationship'. Sex.

It's not that they didn't want too. It's not that one or both of them was opposed to the idea. It wasn't one of them where too insecure to want to.

It was just new to Scott. Not to Vincent, but too Scott. He had no idea how to start it, or show Vincent that he was ready too.

Every porn he watched to try and -weirdly enough- learn how to start or introduce sex was just hard sex that started with in an instant. He was NOT into anything like that. If he wanted to truely have sex or decide tonight was the night, it would be slow and passionate. Full of love, obviously having those lustful moments but passionate.

"Maybe..After a long dayshift? I could take the shift off and prepare while he was at work. Maybe..thats a good idea.." He mumbled to himself. 'Yeah. That would surely turn him on.' He smiled to himself. It was a Sunday, so Vincent would be on work on a dayshift while Scott would just ask Jeremy to do his shift. Jeremy was always wanting more hours. More hours, more pay. Scott didnt blame him.

It was around 1pm. He had woken up after his nightshift with Vincent, Fritz and himself. Vincent was still asleep next too him.

Wait. How was he going to get all the stuff. The lube, maybe a romantic gift. There was a massive mall near where they lived.

And so, he got changed. A simple grey shift and some sweatpants and his favourite shoes. He got through the door into they're shared car when he got a call. "Vincey". He picked it up.

"Scott..Where are you.." You could hear the tiredness in his voice and he softly yawned.

"Oh, um. I'm just going to the shop, I promised I'd get Jeremy something as he's covering my shift on Monday." That was a blaitent lie but to a tired Vincent, that was a acceptable excuse.

"Oh..Okay baby..Can you get some bacon please?" Vincent asked.
"Of course. I gotta go now, bye." And they said their temporary goodbyes.
                      At The Store

Scott had his lubricant and some bacon. He quickly scanned his items and practically ran out that store. He got back into the black car. He sat in the front seat.

"I can't beleive I'm doing this. How do people do this daily? I wonder what Vincent is like in bed...Probally really dreamy.. Fuck I need to get back!" He said, talking to himself. He put his items in the passenger seat and drove back.


               Back Home - 2:37pm.

"Hey, Scotty." Vincent said, as Scott came through the door. He had hid the 2 small bottles of lubricant in his back pockets of his jeans and had the bacon in his hand.

That thought in his head came back. 'I bet Vincent is so dreamy in bed'

"Hey Vincey.." He went silent. He walked up to Vincent, putting the bacon on the kitchen table, who was on the couch.

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"I was thinking about something.." Scott managed to get out his mouth.
"What, Scotty?" Vincent said looking up at his boyfriend. "Sex." The slightly taller male said, his face turning a soft red.

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