• I Wonder..? •

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V's POV:

After wondering how maybe humans have a thirst for robots.. I then get the thought of why was the search history like that? "Was there like.. Some sort of protocol to this..?" i thought to myself

I then get the feeling of this just being all a prank, I then got curious and tapped one of the searches.. I couldn't believe my eyes there was a bunch of art of me and N! "Wait.. does N.. like me?" I said.. I Wonder..?

N's POV:

After Uzi and J explored the pod.. I then try to think how long I can keep this secret of mine from V.. I really don't want her to think Im weird and all, I let out a soft sigh trying to figure this thing out but.. I then realized that just made my love self destruct worse.. "UGH! WHY CAN'T I STOP MYSELF FROM THINKING ABOUT HER!?" I said while screeching it wasn't loud enough for Uzi and J to hear so that's good.. 'Ughh I'm burning up again! this had to get more worse.." I said while giving off a bright yellow blush..

Third person POV:

As N panicked since he didn't know what to do in the mean time.. Uzi and J were just exploring the pod for some stuff to do.. after searching for a while like around 10 minutes they found a manual "Huh? 'How to confess your love' what kind of manual is this?" said Uzi "Ohh that I think remember one of the council members accidentally dropped that into the pod while reading it in a hurry, he then later on contacted me about it and told me to keep it somewhere safe because he said it might be 'helpful'" said J,

"Hmm it might turn out helpful after all!" "Wait.. what do you mean by that?" J said in question "We can maybe use this to help N confess to V!

instead of just nagging him about him liking V.." said Uzi "Hmm your right" J said. On the other hand N was just in a curled up position wondering what is he gonna do "...What am i going to doo.." he said to himself "I-I mean maybe I'll have a chance?.. AGH! never mind that! she's way to cool for her to like me" N said that in a saddened tone silenced then filled the room but it was

broke by a door opening from the pod "Hey! N we found something!" said Uzi "Yeah this might help you get out of your little 'Love trance'" J said in cheeky tone "O-OH! r-really?" said N, "Yeah its a 'How to confess your love book!" "we found it lying around the pod" after telling N about the manual they then told N that he should confess his love to V tomorrow "I-I d-don't think its a g-good idea guys.." N said anxiously "C'mon N! i bet you can do it!" after Uzi and J tried convincing N he

finally decide to do it tomorrow. N hopes he will be able to do it since he actually really wants to confess to V very much


Dunno why but i feel like this part seems very dry 😔ლ(╹◡╹ლ) and very short

Love isn't only for humans N x V murder drones  (' ▽`).。o♡Where stories live. Discover now