• Awkward conversation •

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N's POV:

It was V! "WH-WO-WHA V!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" I said.. in response V said "Hm.. nothing much.. I was just looking around to see if there's any worker drones to snack on..?" She said it with a skeptical tone.. I didn't like that at all.. after that she just stared at me with a curious look.. it sent shivers down my wires.. "O-oh! worker drones? uhh I think I found some lying around.. o um over there!" I said while pointing down the corridor that was covered in oil.. "Yeah.. c'mon! I'll show you!" "Hold on N.. are you hiding something..? because I can tell" V said 'Shoot how did she know..? WAS SHE LISTENING??' I said in my head and going stiff as a street pole "what.. I-I have no idea what your talking about.. !" I said while backing up "You know N.. your not so good at hiding lies you know?"

"FINE! YOU GOT ME! I-I was hiding something.."

Third person POV:

As N said that his face got all flushy "Oh?" V said questioning "Agh.. y-you know.." "Hm?" "YOU KNOW THE THING THAT ME AND UH.. THAD WERE TALKING ABOUT.." "That I have no idea what your talking about" 'Oh! seems like she hasn't figured it out yet..or.. is she just playing around with me..?" N thought of it. He was determined to keep the secret a secret.. "Sayy.. V! you wanted a worker drone to snack on right?" "Yeahhh.. why? are you allowing me to eat Thad?" "WHAT! NO! what about lets just find a worker drone that already is dead for you to snack on?"said N "Eh fine just saying tho live ones are much tastier" said V.. .N and V were walking down the corridor with Thad.. looking around to see if there were any dead worker drones.. as they were looking around Thad decided to whisper something to N.. "Hey N! dont you think its the perfect time to y'know tell her how you feel?" Thad says as he nudges N with his arm "What! no no.. she'd rip me to pieces!" N said while having a nervous expression on his face "heh.. suit your self then!" Thad replied.. 30 minutes have passed..

"Ugh.. N! are you sure were going to find a dead worker drone anywhere around here!?" V said in an annoyed tone.. "I swear if we dont find one!.. im going to chew up Thad piece by piece!" "GYAH! PLEASE DONT DO THAT!" Thad says as he hides behind N "Calm down V! don't worry! we might be able to find one so-" N's sentence was cut off because he did ended up seeing a dead worker drone "Oh! would you look at that! theres one right there!" N says as he pointed towards a dead worker drone.. "Ugh.. FINALLY! your lucky Thad!" V says as she runs straight to the dead robot and begins to  suck up the remaining oil in it..

|after V was done chowing down the last remaining oil |

"Man.. that was delicious!" V said while having a smile on her face.. N was thinking about what Thad had said earlier and decided to give it a go.. "Uh hey V.. have you ever heard the word humans say whenever they like someone?" N said in a nervous tone "Huh? you mean like 'Step on me please'" V said "WHAT!? NO! THATS NOT WHAT I MENT!" N said in a shocked tone.. man do you humans actually say that..? "I-I ment word like love.." N said "Nope.. never heard that in my entire life" V in monotone "Aha.. i knew you were gonna say that.. haha.." "Then why'd you still ask me then circuit brain?" V said as she was picking her teeth "Aha.. uh.. no r-reason" N looked like he was about to overheat from the embarrassment.. "But if ever someone uh.. got this feeling of 'love' for you.. uh.. what would you do..?" N said while fiddling his fingers "Uhhh... i dont know... why are you asking?" V said curiously "AH! UH.. n-nothing.. actually forget i ever said that..!" N said while getting a voice crack "man N your a weirdo.." V said as she squints her eyes.. Thad face palms "Wow that ended terribly.." Thad said as he sneaks up from behind N turns out Thad was just being sneaky.. he heard everything from their conversation "AH! THAD YOU WERE LISTENING!?" N said in an embarrassed tone "Ofcourse I was! I wanted to see how you were planning on conf- uh oops almost slipped there!" Thad said.. he realised he almost let his tongue slip.. "Uh huh.. you two are weird.. im outta here.." V said as she flies out of the building through the roof.. There was a moment of silence between Thad and N.. before N breaks down into a shaking embarrassed mess "GAAAHH! WHAT WAS THAT.. AUGH THAT WAS SO AWKWARD!" N says as he freaks out on the floor.. mind you he was also rolling on the floor "Woah woah woah! calm down N! it wasnt that bad!" Thad said while trying to reassure N "THAD! SHE WAS SO WEIRDED OUT BY ME! WHY DID I EVEN ASK HER ABOUT THAT 'LOVE QUESTION AGHH.." N said while he was just on the floor he looked like he was about to cry.. "Man you really need some help.." Thad said..

yall ok yeah it has been 4 months.. ALSO UM SO SORRY IF EVERYTHING SEEMS SO CONFUSING ITS BECAUSE I KINDA FORGOT ABT THIS BOOK AND RAN OUT OF INTEREST A BIT IN MURDER DRONES but like ill probably get that interest back after i watch one of the episodes ALSO YEAHH I GOT A NEW PHONE.. might be able to make more updates idk ‼️

Love isn't only for humans N x V murder drones  (' ▽`).。o♡Where stories live. Discover now