Chapter 1- The Encounter

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Mark Zuckerberg was always known to be an omega by his fellow millionaire colleagues and was even desired by many, mainly Putin, but he always kept his distance from most men. What people didn't see past his badonkadonk was his desire to find his one true love...his only alpha. However, in a world so dominated by badonkadonk lovers, he was at a loss. So doing what any girl boss would do, he decided to put all of his energy into his career. With that, he successfully did something with Facebook and I mean that's kinda lame for a girl boss move but go off ig. However, no matter how much time he spent away from love, he always couldn't help but feel a hint of sadness in his heart. In the end, he was still yearning for the touch of his one true alpha. If only he knew who it was. Little did he know though, his alpha was much closer than he thought.

It was a windy day, and Mark was stuck carrying a stack of papers for the ultra rich and ultra not lizard people meeting. As soon as he stepped outside, a gust of wind came over him and blew away a few papers. While he managed to keep the majority of the stack in place, he saw the stray papers heading towards a puddle. Although he had prepared for the worst, a random hand caught them from landing in it.

"Excuse me, are these your's?", a deep voice asked.

"Yes, thank you for catching them", Mark nervously replied, reaching out for the papers.

However, as Mark grabbed the papers from the stranger's hand, their hands brushed against each other for a brief moment. A jolt of electricity went down Mark's back, something that was rare for omegas like him. Could this be what he had been looking for? Mark finally looked up at the stranger, and he felt his face instantly turn red. The stranger was a man who smiled down at him and had a bald shiny head that glistened in the sunlight. His face was also extremely familiar, but it took him a second to realize it.

"Ah, you're-"

"My name's Jeff Bezos", he continued, "and judging by these documents, this must be where the ultra rich and ultra not lizard people meeting is being held?", Jeff asked.

All Mark could do was nod in fear of embarrassing himself in front of the man. Almost everyone knew who Jeff Bezos was, he was the founder of the minion fan club after all. Oh, and he did Amazon I guess. Either way, Mark knew that he was an extremely influential man and that he may also be his alpha... the thought sent shivers down Mark's spine. Finally, he managed to regain his composure around Jeff.

"The meeting should start soon. Should we um, head inside?", Mark asked nervously, his stomach doing flips as Jeff smiled at him again.

"Let's head in Mr...?"

"Mark. Mark Zuckerberg"

"How did I not guess", Jeff said with a smirk on his face.

As the two walked into the building, they hit it off instantly. Jeff made small talk about different ways to waste money instead of doing anything productive, which greatly interested Mark. In return, Mark shared his passion for sunscreen and large sandwiches, which was very inspiring to Jeff. As they laughed together at jokes and interests, Mark couldn't help get red every time he thought of Jeff's hand brushing against his, which he hoped Jeff didn't notice. During the meeting, Mark couldn't look away from Jeff for one second. The way he spoke and convinced the other millionaires about issues he was kinda too dumb to understand set a fire in his cold millionaire heart. There were times when Mark could swear that he saw Jeff look at him while talking and flashed him a smile. During the end of the meeting, Mark had managed to catch Jeff alone.

"Hello there, Mr. Zuckerberg", Jeff said with a playful smile.

"Mark is fine", he said, smiling back as he blushed slightly.

"Well Mark, would you mind telling me about this upcoming party?", Jeff asked, which had slipped Mark's mind and caught him off guard.

"I almost forgot about that. It's to celebrate the queen of the ultra not lizard people, Dora The Explorer. Are you attending?", Mark asked.

"I was thinking about it, but I wouldn't like to go alone. Are you going with anyone?", Jeff asked. Mark's heart sped up. Could he be asking him out? Trying to keep his composure, Mark managed to look Jeff in the eyes.

"I'm not going with anyone. I-If you want to join me-"

"I'd love to", Jeff said before Mark could finish, "It's a date then?"

"Yes, it's a date", Mark said, his shy smile now replaced with confidence, on the inside he was freaking out.

The two parted ways, unaware of the life-changing events that would happen after this fateful encounter.

The Gazillionaire's Fate, Mark Zuckerberg  x Jeff BezosWhere stories live. Discover now