Chapter Two

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The week flies by as is it often does in the world of professional wrestling and it's time for Dynamite once again. Sam arrives at the arena earlier like usual, and for once Matt and Nick are also there when she gets to the locker room. 

"Oh, you two are earlier for once." Sam quips when she comes into the room.

"Hey! We're only late once in a while." Nick protests. 

"Besides, we've got plans on the agenda tonight little sister," Matt adds and beckons Sam over to him. 

"Oh?" Matt's statement piques Sam's interest. "What have you two been scheming this week?" She sits down to listen to Matt's plans. 

"Not us, it was all Adam," Nick replies. "He should be back from Khan's office any minute now." He explains. 

"Great, I'm gonna go change. I suggest that you two do the same." Sam nods, sneering at her brothers' choice in wardrobe. 

Sam gets changed out of her casual attire in the adjoining room and then comes back out to the main locker room right after Adam arrives back from Tony's office. Sam quickly takes a seat after she sets her bags down, eager to see what Adam has in store for the team. 

"Okay, now that we're all here." Adam gathers everyone up. "I've got a little surprise for us all later. But for now, we have a mission. And that mission is sending a message to Roppongi Vice." He explains. 

"Right on." Sam likes the sound of Adam's idea. "How are we going to get them away from the rest of Trent's buddies?" She asks Adam. 

"I got word from backstage that they'll be in a last-minute meeting with Khan during the show," Adam explains. "We can catch them on their way back to the locker room. And I got Brandon all ready with the camera. " He adds. 

"Nice!" Matt grins. 

"Yeah, good work Adam." Nick agrees.

"Adam's got our back guys." Sam grins. "So, when do we put this plan of yours into action, Cole?" She turns fully to Adam. 

"We can head out whenever everyone is ready. Brandon is going to meet us in the loading bay." Adam explains. 

Everyone nods and heads out to meet with Brandon and put Adam's plan into play. Adam walks at Sam's side, eager to see what she thinks of his master plans. Especially with the surprise that he's managed to get for them all. 

Matt, Nick, and Adam all lie in wait for Trent and Rocky to come by while Sam and Brandon hang out a bit away from them with the camera. It doesn't take long for Trent and Rocky to come into the loading bay on their way back to the locker rooms and the boys strike. 

"Come on, Brandon." Sam urges Brandon out of hiding when Adam and the brothers strike. 

The attack commences and Sam helps Brandon get some good footage while Matt, Nick, and Adam run their mouths. She laughs behind the camera at a helpless Rocky and Trent. Adam gets ahold of Trent and drags him over to the camera for a moment, and Sam furrows her brows. 

"Samantha, excuse me, love." An unknown male voice sounds behind Sam and Brandon. 

"What?" Sam whirls around. "Jay?!" Her jaw slacks for a split second when her gaze lands on someone Sam hasn't seen in at least five years. 

Jay White. 

Jay winks at Sam playfully then walks over to Adam still holding Trent by the shirt. Jay takes over for Adam and delivers a blade runner before he lets Trent drop to the concrete floor with a chuckle. 

"Jay?" Matt has a similar reaction to Sam's. 

"Nick, Matt." Jay nods to the brothers. 

Brandon is quick to cut the camera at Sams's request and takes a step back so everyone else can get their reunion done. 

"Hey! You guys said we were in need of some backup." Adam flashes a self-satisfied grin. "So that's what I did. Got us some help, straight from the source." 

"Well, I'll be damned." Sam steps away from Brandon. "Jay! What's it been? Five years?" She walks over to Jay for a hug. 

"About that, yeah." Jay nods and opens his arms. "It's good to see ya, love." He greets Sam warmly. "Same with you two." He adds to Matt and Nick while hugging Sam. 

"Adam! Come here you evil genius." Sam lets go of Jay and beckons Adam over

Adam chuckles and walks over to Sam who hugs him as well. Jay walks over to Matt and Nick to chat for a moment so Sam takes the chance to get some more information from Adam. 

"So, how'd you manage to rope Jay into all this?" She asks Adam. 

"He owed me a favor." Adam shrugs. "Last week I called him up to redeem said favor then had a quick chat with Khan about it." He explains. 

"Well, it was a brilliant idea." Sam giggles. "This is just what we needed. I mean it doesn't really get more Bullet Club than Jay." She jokes. 

"I'm just glad that Khan approves this little visit." Adam chuckles with her. 

Everyone decides to head back to the locker room to catch up some more and Sam falls into step with Jay so they can chat some more. Adam watches the pair with just a hint of jealousy at how fluidly they seem to be getting along already.

But the ecstatic look on Sam's face and her praise of Adam's idea pleases him to no end. He's just happy that he knocked it out of the park with his plan and managed to make Sam happy at the same time. A win-win situation of you will. 

"So, have you been keeping up with me over in Japan?" Jay teases Sam at the head of the pack. 

"And why would I do that?" Sam raises a brow at Jay. 

"Oh come on, Sam. We both know that I'm your favorite." Jay grins. 

"That's debatable." Sam laughs. 

"Hmm, not really." Jay continues his teasing. 

"Okay!" Sam rolls her eyes. "You believe what you want, Mr. fearless leader." She laughs. 

"That's exactly what I'll do." Jay grins and slings a casual arm over Sam's shoulder. 

Adam instantly takes notice of this little gesture. But he chooses not to worry too much about it. Jay is a natural flirt with everyone. So no harm no foul. Right? 

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