Chapter Twelve

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Wednesday night. Sam and Jay arrive at the arena early and head to the locker room to wait for their moment. Adam hasn't talked to either of them since the gym a couple of days ago, and Sam is a tad bit worried about him. He always makes time to at the very least say hello to her every day. 

"Adam's not here yet?" Sam comments when she and Jay get to the locker room. 

"Is he usually this early?" Jay replies and shuts the door behind him. 

"Sometimes, yeah." Sam nods. "It usually depends on what he's got going on that day." She shrugs her bag off of her shoulder. "Maybe I should call him?" 

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Jay insists with a shake of his head. "We're here pretty early, anyway." He reminds Sam. 

"Yeah, I guess." Sam nods. "It is pretty early...I'll give him some more time." She sits down with her bag. 

Jay nods and sits down with his bag as well, he's got a new set of ring gear to debut tonight that just came in off of custom order. It matches Sam's style of ring gear so they look more like a team right off of the bat. 

Around half an hour later Adam finally shows up to the locker room with his bag in his hand. He shuts the locker room door behind him and turns around to find Jay casually looking at his phone. Sam is nowhere in sight. 

"Where's Sam?" Adam asks Jay in a sour tone. 

"She's in the other room getting changed." Jay replies dryly. "She was worried that you weren't going to show up." He adds. "It looks like giving her the silent treatment is just driving her further into my arms." 

"Shut it, White." Adam grits his teeth. "Fucking tool." He mumbles under his breath and sets down his bag. 

Sam comes out of the backroom a couple of minutes later with her boots in her arms and dressed in her black and silver ring gear. She sees Adam sitting in the room and her face lights up with a toothy grin. 

"Adam, there you are." She greets Cole. "Cutting it a bit close don't you think?" She comments with a glance at the clock on the wall. 

"Yeah sorry about that." Adam rubs the back of his neck. "I got this new game and lost track of time." He lies casually. 

"Of course!" Sam laughs and sets down her boots. "You'll have to show me what game it is. I might want in on some of the action." 

"Yeah, I'll show it to you later." Adam flashes a smile back at Sam. 

Sam nods and sits down so she can get her boots on and laced up. A tedious process to say the least. Jay decides that he'd mind as well get changed as well and heads into the other room to change. 

Adam watches Jay walk into the other room and shut the door behind him before he speaks. 

"Did Khan say anything about what's in the cards after you team with Jay tonight?" He asks Sam. "I'm not trying to be put on the backburner you know?"

"Of course not." Sam agrees. "Khan hasn't said anything to me yet. But I'd assume that you and Jay would switch out every couple of matches. Or maybe we'll get the occasional trio's match." She suggests, concentrating on her boots. 

"Right, of course." Adam agrees. 

Sam finishes up getting her boots laced up and Jay comes back out from the back room in his new ring gear. He walks over to Sam and Adam with a grin so he can show off. 

"Well, how do I look?" Jay asks Sam with a confident chuckle. 

"Damn!" Sam takes her attention off of Adam. "Aren't we a pair?" She giggles and stands up next to Jay to compare gear. "What do you think, Adam?" 

"Yeah, you two look great." Adam nods. 

The only matching gear that Adam has with Sam is his pink gear. And the pink set is a match to not just Sam, but her brothers and Kenny as well. So it's not as special as Sam's matching gear with Jay. 

"What time is it?" Jay glances at the clock. "We should be heading out to the ring soon, shouldn't we?"

"Oh, crap." Sam glances at the clock and realizes what time it is. "Adam hurry up and change, or we're going to be late." She hurries Adam off of his feet. 

Adam nods and quickly gets changed before the trio head out down to the ring. Jay hangs back so Adam can get his moment being attacked on camera and Sam can do her ring entrance. 

Sam heads out to the ring first and does her usual entrance, but she feigns surprise and worry when Adam doesn't come out right after her. The camera pans to the backstage area where it shows Adam being attacked by someone. 

Back out in the ring, Sam acts like she's about to haul ass out of the ring to go check on Adam when Butcher and Bunny both come out to the ring. Sam fakes a look of fright and backs up in the ring like she's scared until Jay comes sprinting down the ramp and to Sam's side. 

"Ugh, I hate this so much." Adam watches the match unfold from backstage. 

He watches how effortlessly Sam and Jay tag with one another, in their fancy matching gear no less. And he hates every second of it. He's got to find a way to tell Sam how he feels about her. And he knows exactly how he's going to do it. 

Dana's party is this weekend and everyone will be there. It will be the perfect time for Adam to tell Sam how he feels. Surrounded by a bunch of their friends and family. Not even Jay can compete with that. 

"Alright, get over here!" Jay beckons Sam over after they pick up the win. 

He raises her hand in the air with the referee holding up his. The first win of many for this new mixed tag team. 

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