Chapter 9: Acantha

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I met the prince last night. Just as I thought I had escaped everyone, he appeared, as if he fell from the sky.

He was taller than I imagined. His voice was softer and kinder than I expected. But his eyes; his eyes were something familiar. The eyes were something recognizable.

All the days I walked past the painting of his father, with those very same dark silver eyes staring at me. Every time I saw Aella with the very same magnificent round silver eyes. Their eyes were something that took your breath away. It was hypnotizing to look into their dark eyes.

When prince Erik spoke to me, I felt the air shift around me. The clouds darkened, leaving a path of gloom behind him.

He did not walk over to me like he was god-like and higher than everyone. Like he is a stronger being that deserved to have my worship, as everyone had always explained.

He approached like a young man who was simply unhappy. A young man who was unsatisfied with his life. Unsatisfied with his luxury and riches.

How can a man who has everything be so unsatisfied? He has the kingdom almost in his reach. The perfect life with the perfect fiancé, but he is not content. Why?

I asked him if he was going to change anything as a king. Did he believe that the things happening were right?

When he responded it was as if he was programmed to say the right answer. He avoided eye contact with me when he told me that the system worked. He was ashamed! If he is so ashamed, why does the heir of the Air Realm not do something about it?


It has been two days since Valence and I have spoken. Sometimes I see him in the halls of the palace. He walks by me without even making eye contact. I guess he took my warning seriously, which is all right with me.

I slip my flashlight in between my teeth and use my thumbs to hold down the pages of my book. The summer night wind is persistent, as it blows my pages around. My hair despite being pulled back blows in my face making it impossible to read. I slam my book shut in frustration and slip the flashlight out of my mouth.

I look down at the flashlight still confused about how it works. How is it that with the flick of the switch, a light comes shining through the glass at the tip? No fire is needed at all. I recall Ms.Campbell speaking of the technology being more advanced here, but I am still surprised. I never thought it would be this different. I still have to adjust to the amount of electricity used here.

I pull the necklace tucked under my shirt. The gem feels warm under my skin. With that rebel staying in my room, I have spent the last two nights sleeplessly reading in the palace garden. I have learned to sit farther from the entrance to the palace after a few nights ago when the crowned prince found me.

I sit for a moment and stare off into the night. I look past the decorative garden benches, and vines wrapped around the fence, into the forest. The endless forest right in front of me. I could run away right now. I could leave without a trace. By the time they realize I am gone, it would be too late.

I shake my head, clearing my brain from my nonsense. I look down at my watch and see that it reads "03:26". I let out a small groan when I noticed how late it is. I have to start my day in a few hours. My agitation quickly turns to annoyance.

"What am I so afraid of?" I mumble to myself. I shake my head annoyed with myself. Why am I allowing those rebels to make me feel intimidated? I am not going to let them boss me around anymore!

I jump to my feet and stomp into the secret entrance to the palace. I am not afraid of this Valence guy anymore! I am done avoiding him. I am going to go up to my room and get some sleep because I deserve that!

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