Chapter 2

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{Don't let their unjustness taint your heart}

"Although I may not be yours, I can never be another's

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"Although I may not be yours,
I can never be another's."
-Mary Shelley


He lay in her arms, blank-faced and grief-stricken. Tears stained his cheeks as he played aimlessly with the fabric of her loose garment, not once meeting her eye.

The pain that flowed from him was as palpable as frigid winter breeze, grief surged with every breath he expelled. His body rocked with a silent sob, his sobs were stifled at first as he attempted to hide his grief but a strong wave of emotions overcame him and he broke down once again. He sobbed into her chest unceasingly, hands clutching at her dress.

Ruth held him in silence, rocking him slowly as her chest soaked in his tears. She wasn't sure what happened, he never spoke a word to her apart from breathless 'sorrys' but she held onto his shaking body as if her life depended on it. Her touch was a gentle anchor, fingers tracing soothing circles on his back. She whispered words of solace, a melody of reassurance that danced in the air.

Her embrace was a sanctuary where his vulnerability found refuge. The warmth of her presence enveloped him, a shield against the storm raging within.

As he clung to her, the echoes of his pain reverberated through the stillness. Yet, she remained steadfast, a silent guardian against the darkness. Her eyes mirrored his anguish, a reflection of shared sorrow.

"Sebastian, look at me" She soothingly said. He refused to look at her, his shoulders heaved with emotion, unwilling to meet her gaze. His dark lashes brimmed with heavy tears.

"Please" She reached for his chin and lifted his face with her shaky hands. Tears cascading down his blue eyes.

"I'm sorry Ruth I had to. Please forgive me" His words were a stuttering mess once he pulled away from her embrace, a sudden surge of anger overcame him as he stood up in a dizzying swiftness.

Ruth knew deep in her mind what the cause of his enmity was. She had known what he was apologizing for, she was well aware of what happened. But a nagging voice within her didn't want to believe it. She wanted her ignorance to remain as the only lasting veil to protect her from her inevitable turmoil.

His back was turned to her, his red cape pooling beneath his back in a gentle cascade against the green bed of grass. At any other time, Ruth would stare in wonder and love at his tall stance and broad shoulders. She would be lost in a daze of admiration and awe but at that moment she felt sullen.

"I was forced to bed her" He turned around to face her, his eyes held more anger than sadness, the intensity within them would burn through acres of green forest. His orbs swam with malice and hate. "We had to consummate the marriage" His every word was overpronounced with a clear thickness. He felt violated, used.

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