Chapter 9 - He Can't Be?!

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Kagami Taiga's POV

Where the hell is she?! I've been waiting here for hours already!

" Hey! That hurts you know! " I yelled.

" Calm down Taiga. You're so hot headed. " Aish! This girl, she always makes me so worried.

" Even after hours of waiting for you here, this is what I get. " I tried to sound as sad as possible.

" Seriousy Taiga? -_- You do know that doesn't work on me, right? " How cold can she be?

 " Jokes aside, I really waited for you here and it has been hours since I got here. " I said in a serious face. 

Yasuna Seishina's POV

" You're not joking right? " He waited for me here?! It's freaking cold out here. What's worse is that it's already 6pm! Gosh! 

" You could've called me Taiga. " I said coldy.

" My phone's dead. " He suddenly said.

" I... I'm sorry for making you go all this way and wait for me. " 

" It's alright. This is my job after all. " I can't argue with that. He's in fact right.

Wait is that Akashi-kun? Wow! Who knew he was fabulous? I mean, his ride is a limo, isn't that fancy?

" Akashi-kun! " I yelled just enough for him to hear.

I waved at him because he may not see me with my height. You know. Height problems. If only height can be bought with money, I could've been taller than I am now, well actually not just me. If you know what I mean! hahahaha

He looked at me with those hetero-chromatic eyes. Oooh deep stares! hahahaha.

" Oh. Hi Seishina. You should really go home now, it's getting dark. " He said calmly and waved.

" Come on Akashi-kun don't act like you're my father! Hahahaha! " He totally acts as if he's my dad hahahahaha!

He chuckled. How can such a cute expression exist?! OMFG

" Akashi-sama we should go now. You're father's already home. " That one guy who, I think, is his driver said. He nodded.

" I guess I should go now. See you on Monday Seishina. " He said.

How can he be so cool?! More importantly, WHY AM I FANGIRLING OVER AKASHI SEIJURO?!

I looked back at Taiga, he's spacing out.

" HEY! Taiga! You still there?! " I said. He looked at me with a confused expression.

" Uhh... yeah. Sorry, we should leave now. " He said looking so glum.

Kagami Taiga's POV

" Akashi-kun! " Seishi suddenly yelled.

Wait! Akashi? He has red hair... same with Seishi...and...has red and yellow colored eyes....hetero-chromatic...













He can't be?!


A/N :

So I'm really sorry if this came out so short and late. It just feels as if my mind became completely blank. I didn't really know what to write as of now. Don't worry though, chapter 10 would start Taiga's craziness. Hahahaha. 

Thanks for the support guys. TT.TT I never did some happy bla bla reads but.... HAPPY 10.6K READS!!!! I love you very much guys...... so much support for a total newbie in writing like me. Gosh this is so dramatic of me. Well I hope enjoyed reading this story even with the very short chapters. :)

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