Chapter 1

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Sirius pulled out a camera, it made a loud click and a bright flash as he took a picture of the hills and valleys through the window of the Hogwarts express. The green grass and blue sky was prominent against the dark brown leather of the compartment.

Cassie was starting her sixth year at Hogwarts. the young brunette sat in the compartment with her friends.

"did you see snape? i think his nose grew bigger over the break." said Sirius Black, his long black hair falling in his face. James, who was sat beside Sirius, let out a loud snort. Cassie rolled her eyes at the stupidity that seemed to amuse the other two.

Remus was sat beside Cassie, in his hands was a yellowing book that smelt as though it were a hundred years old. Remus' eyes trailed across the page, taking in every word that was written down as if his life was at stake.

Cassie shifted her eyes towards the window, watching the train chug along the tracks. Grey clouds began to form over the mountains, distant streaks of rain were visible.

another flash went off causing cassie to whip her head around. Cassie raised an eye as she looked at Sirius who was pulling out a piece of film. The boy shook it and then smiled as the film began to show a picture of his friend.

Cassie reached over and grabbed the developed picture from the boys hand. Sirius allowed her to grab it, a ghost of a smile was still across his face. the young witch looked at the photo, the way her hair hung just bellow her shoulder blades and swooping over her shoulders made her smile. Cassie's green eyes were bright against the now foggy window, her red lips were relaxed.

Cassie's face dropped once she realized what she was doing, she handed the picture back to Sirius and said. "burn it." before turning back to the window.

Sirius didn't burn it, he put it in his pocket and went back to talking with James.

The rain had finished as Mary knocked on the door and told them that they were at the school. The sky was cloudy and grey. The train came to a halt and lurched everyone forward. Peter was light enough to be sent flying into James. Cassie let out a small chuckle before grabbing the bag that was placed above her head.

The group walked towards the carriage and climbed on. The ride to the school was quite, wet, and long. As the group walked the large hallway to the Great Hall, James spoke about his plans for the night.

Cassie tilted her head and looked at James who was on her right. The girl opened her mouth slightly, trying to speak, but she shut it and continued walking. Sirius seemed to notice her and asked, "what were you going to say, Cas?"

Cassie shook her head and said, "nothing, I just thought that tonight was a full moon". James looked at Sirius, and Sirius looked at Remus who was still into his book. Remus felt the eyes on him and looked up, "what?" he asked, Cassie let out a chuckle.

"is it a full moon?" Sirius asked, Remus nodded. Panic set into every ones eyes.

The group walked into the Great Hall and listened to the Headmaster talk and sort the first years, then the meal appeared Infront of them. large glass poured themselves, turkey stuffed with apples and stuffing sat before them. Carrots and peas were sat in bowls around each student.

After dinner, Cassie went to the common room to visit Lily Evans. The young girl threw her bag down on the old bed and sighed, exhausted from the day. Cassie leaned back on her bed and placed her hands on her head while staring at the ceiling. 

The door swung open with a bang and in ran a small red headed girl. Cassie shot straight up and looked to her left. As soon and Cassie saw her friend, the young girl jumped from the bed and walked over. 

"oh my! Cassie, we are roommates!" the red head yelled. Cassie nodded as Lily pulled her into her warm embrace. Lily pulled away and jumped onto her own bed. 

"listen, I want to catch up, but Remus needs my help with something. so maybe tomorrow we could do something." Cassie said, faking half her smile. 

Cassie loved her friends, but she never wanted to spend every second of everyday with them. 

Luckily, Lily understood and allowed Cassie to leave without any questions. At this point, the halls were dark enough to accidentally stumble on a upturned stone and fall into the blackness. Fire lined the long hall, casting a temporary glow against Cassie's skin when she walked past. 

There was a closet just down the hall from the Gryffindor common room. In the closet was a small shelf that held a book. when Cassie reached for the book, her fingers left dusty prints on the leather. Cassie pulled down on the book and the shelf slide backwards, revealing a cold crawlspace.

Cassie grabbed a candle that sat on the shelf and lit it. The crawl space was tall enough that anyone only need to bend over slightly. It was dark and cold, the wind swept through the old stone walls causing Cassie to shiver. 

The hidden passage lead straight to the Shrieking Shack where the others were waiting. Cassie apologized for her tardiness, "why are you apologizing?" Remus asked the girl, "your on time". Cassie smiled at the boy. 

James emerged through the door abruptly, "finally! you are here." he spoke out, "we have been here for five minutes." said Sirius who had followed James into the room. 

The change was one of the worst changes that they had been through. Remus' other form had threw Sirius' black dog figure across the room, he landed with a hard thud. James used his antlers to corner Remus while Peter nipped at what ever body part was fighting against James. 

Cassie ran over to check on Sirius who was out of breath. The two shifted back for a moment, "what are we to do now?" asked Sirius, Cassie thought for a moment. The girl looked at the stag and the rat.

"You and James keep him cornered." she said then turned to the rat, "Peter!  go check outside. I think I heard something." she yelled across the room. Sirius raised an eye as the rat ran out of the room, "I didn't hear anything." he questioned. 

Cassie looked at the boy that was leaning against the wall, "I didn't want him getting hurt." she said. Sirius smiled, "good girl." he said before shifting back into the dog form. 

The plan worked and Remus was cornered until he shifted back. The sun started to rise and James brought Remus to the infirmary. Sirius walked Cassie back to her dorm, both were hoping for at least an hours sleep. 

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