Chapter 2

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It was a cold morning. The sun, covered by thin clouds, casted a blue light in through the window.
Laila winced as she rubbed her head, she had woken with a pounding head ache.

A loud knock came from the door, startling Laila.
"Cas, open the door!" Said a loud voice from the other side.

Cassie grumbled as her feet hit the cold floor. The door knob felt like ice as she opened the door.
Standing on the other side were two large grins.

"What do you two want?" She questioned, her arms crossing as she leaned on the door frame.

"We are going to hogsmead today. Would you like to accompany us?" Asked James, his glasses falling down his slightly crooked nose.
He broke it one to many times and the slight arch was from it not being properly healed.
Cassie let out a tired sigh and then nodded, "I just need to change".


cassie and the boys walked down to hogsmead together. The air was cool with a strong wind. cassie was bundled up in a warm jacket and was still shivering.

once they reached hogsmead they went into the three broomsticks and found a table. james was sat beside cassie, sirius across from her, and remus to the right of sirius.

"so fellas and cassie, what is the plan?" asked james leaving over his glass of butterbeer. "the plan for what?" asked cassie looking at james with a questonable look. "the plan for the greasy, slimball you call a friend." replied james. sirius had shrunken down in his seat, avoid eye contact with everyone.

"Oh. I actually have to go talk to regulus. I will see you guys later" she said grabbing her back and quickly walking out.

"What was that all about?" Asked remus, "who knows" said James.


"Don't fuck with me. Tell me who knows!' Said a tall, slim figure. 'No one knows! I promise you. I did not tell anyone' Cassie screamed.

It was dark, there were faint candles flickering above.
They were in a library? A bedroom? No they were in a study. Everything was flashing, faint whispers could be heard swarming around.

What is happening? Was this a dream? No this is a memory. Why is it just coming back to me and who am I talking to?

I look around me trying to find any clues as to where I am.. nothing. I look at the tall man. He is handsome, dark hair, chiseled chin, a pale face with dark circles under his eyes, his eyes  almost have the resemblance of a snake. Holy shit. Tom Riddle. I am talking to Tom Marvolo Riddle. Why though?

Cassie woke up in a cold sweat. 'I need to see Dumbledore' she thought. She got up quite enough to not wake up the others.

Cassie walked down the dimly lit halls. She turned the corner and walked up to the entrance to Dumbledores office, 'sherbet Lemon' she said. The gargoyle jumped aside revealing a large circular stair case.
Cassie walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.
'Come in' she heard a deep, frail voice say.

Cassie opened the door, "sorry professor, I was just wondering if you could help me." She said walking and closing the door behind her.

Cassie proceeded to tell him about the nightmares she had been having. They started a week ago and have been almost every night. Cassie usually goes up into the astronomy tower after to clear her head. If not the astronomy tower than the forbidden forest.

"I was wondering, why am I having these.. these dreams or visions or what ever they are?" She asks, hoping for a relevant answer. "These are not dreams Cassie, they are memories."
"Memories? Memories of what? I don't remember any of this happening and they only happen when I sleep. why would I be talking to Tom? Isn't he the bad guy here?", She asked standing up from her seat.

"I am afraid someone has tampered with your memory.What ever the memory, it seemed important" Dumbledore said while getting out of his chair and walking over to a large cabinet.
Dumbledore pulled out a crystal tube. He pulled out a silver bowl that was filled with a foggy liquid. It was something called a pensive.

"What is this for?" Cassie asked. "I think you know what it's for." He replied, "come closer", he motioned for her to stand next to the pensive. "May I?" He asked. Cassie nodded.

Dumbledore had pulled out his wand and put it to the side of Cassie's head. There was a hard tugging like someone has pulling a strand of noodles out of her temple. Cassie flinched at the feeling.

Dumbledore had extracted the memory from Cassie. It was a long black strand of waves. Dumbledore had placed the memory into the pensive, "shall we?" He asked.
Cassie and dumbledore entered into the pensive. There was black colours swirling all around and the sensation of falling, then Cassie's feet had landed on hard pavement.

Cassie was in the same memory as before except this time she was watching it from a different view.
As she watched the memory again she realized that they were in a study. Not just any study, it was the study at the Malfoy mansion. Why here?

"Why are we here professor?" Cassie asked turning towards the old professor, "because we are seeing who else has seen this memory" he said in a cold tone.

Cassie looked around, searching for someone.. anyone but there was nobody except Tom and Cassie.
"There is no one here professor. This is a dead end. There is nothing happening and it's all blurry" she said walking towards her memory self. "There is a point to this Cassie, just wait". And so they waited, and waited, and waited... and then there he was.... Evan Rosier.

He carried himself into the room with confidence. His slightly crooked smirk was plastered across his face.

"So what now? We find Evan and get the real memory?" She asked turning to dumbledore as he said "no. You find Evan and get the memory and bring it back to me."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 05 ⏰

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Desultory / James x oc fanfic Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ