Untitled Part 1

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Ibraheem Hill was a boy who was from La Nevera. he was sitting on a set of stairs with his best friend who was telling him a joke and laughing at him.Ibraheem was very short for his age, He had to go to the bathroom very bad and he was on the street.As Ibraheem walked on he found a tooth on a stair and cried so hard when he found it.Ibraheem says to the tooth, "why did you do this?"The tooth answered Ibraheem saying, "I did it because you were being bullied, and were the first on the steps for crying.i wanted to comfort you by telling you a joke."Ibraheem saw the tooth on the steps and it gave him strength to say, "thank you for telling me the joke."Ibraheem took the tooth to his best friend in the back of his mouth and got the other friendsIbraheem got up and tried to walk away when he was hit on the head with a brick.He started to fall and his head was bleeding, Ibraheem tried to get up but he couldn't.Ibraheem said to the tooth, "thank you, i'm going to Baku bay now"Baka Bay, with Rehoboam going to war, called for his five sons to say the blessed name.He gave them 100 sheep to have them fetch the best wine.Samuel saw them getting their rewards and ran to King Rehoboam's army.He looked for food and came to the king's guard to ask if they had any flour.So they said, "yes sir, it's right here."Samuel asked them where the flour came from and they said the wife of the commander of the king's guard had baked cookies and made enough flour for the soldiers.Samuel fed the soldiers with the flour.They were amazed and said to him, "what is this?"Then the king of king Rehoboam sent for him and they prayed for the king and for his whole army.When Baka Bay ate those cookies he went to Heaven.Samuel went with Baka Bay and they talked about God and then Baka Bay ate a bunch of cookies.Now his younger brother, Baka Bay Jr. said he wanted to go with Baka Bay to Heaven.They told him to use God to get the kingdom.But he said he was good at not doing bad and wasn't willing to let God do his work.Then they brought the cookie and asked him if he was willing to have it.He thought about it for a long time and said yes.Then he ate it and went to Heaven.Baka Bay's younger brother was upset.He said "if you don't want me to go with you then do something to let me."Baka Bay's younger brother begged him, "do something to let me!"So Baka Bay turned to the rest of the people and said, "hey guys, we can take you out of here too if you want to!"They took all the people who wanted to go with them and put them into the canoe and went down the river.They stayed with God until they got to a place they knew.Then they arrived at Heaven.They went in and got to see Baka Bay.It was glorious!There was a lot of food and fruit.When Baka Bay saw the food he said, "hey guys, it looks like I have my appetite back!Let's go eat some of this!"They asked God to allow them to live with Baka Bay.He said yes.So he did, and now they are all living together in Heaven!Then they said a prayer to God and said, "we are grateful for all you did for us, please bless us and remember us always."God blessed them and remembered them always.Afterwards God called them to Heaven again to come and get their other brother, Baka Bay Jr.,Baka Bay was born to be a mayor.He was pretty wise for a cat.People heard about him and wanted to become his friends.He was always teaching them how to be good citizens and it turned out that everyone was getting better and better.Baka Bay is the cat that helped people learn good behavior.He used to be a mayor.God made a promise to Baka Bay.God said that whenever Baka Bay would go to Heaven, God would make him a tiny little fish that would give people a reminder of how good they could be.God wanted to show Baka Bay a picture of what he was supposed to be when he got to heaven.He said he could have a fish or a whale or any other kind of fish.But he said Baka Bay was way too smart to settle for a tiny little fish.So God asked him to do a really big thing for Him and said that if he would do that, He would make Baka Bay a whale!So Baka Bay went on a trip to see what he would be, and God came to him in a pretty big boat.When Baka Bay got on the boat, it looked like a little boat.God got a few people to help Him on the boat.One of those people was Baka Bay's daddy.He got on the boat and they traveled in God's boat.The last thing that Baka Bay saw before he left God's boat was a beautiful picture of what God wanted Baka Bay to be, a whale.Then Baka Bay got a big hug and a kiss from God.The whale was carrying God's picture all the way back to Heaven.When Baka Bay got to Heaven, he saw all the other people that wanted to be a whale.They were laughing and joking around and being very happy.Then they asked God, "can we come down and have some of the snacks they have here?"God said, "ok, but only one of you can come down and be a whale.If you are a good person, then you can come down and play with us."So everyone went to Heaven to see Baka Bay, but they didn't come in.They didn't want to get in God's boat.So God said, "OK, you can come down, but you have to be a whale."So the Whale went down to Heaven, and the boy came back.He was very sad.He said, "now I know that when I get to Heaven I can't get down because I don't have a boat.So if I ever get to Heaven again I will have to stay in Heaven."But then he thought about how he loved going to Heaven, and he remembered what God had told him about a dream he had had.It had been a very fun dream, and when he looked up, he saw the whale.He thought about it for a few days, and one day he decided that he wanted to see God again, and maybe he could have a different kind of dream this time.So he made up his mind that if he had another dream, he would go to Heaven and be a Whale for God.God gave him another good dream.He woke up one morning and saw a whale in the sky.He watched it go to some people and see what they were doing.Then the whale turned its big head and looked at Baka Bay.God said, "that's right.You will be a whale!"Baka Bay looked at all the people, but he knew that he had to be a whale.He wanted to go to Heaven and make people very happy like he did on the last trip.So Baka Bay called all the other animals to him and said, "We are going to go to Heaven!"The whales said, "Cool, I can come too!"The flamingos said, "OK, I'm coming too!"The horses and elephants said, "OK, I'm coming too!"The animals said, "But we can't make a boat."So Baka Bay and his friends went to the place where all the animals live, and they made a very big, big boat.They made lots of animals into a team.The first animal was the Horse, and the second animal was the Donkey.The Donkey had to sit in the back of the boat because he couldn't swim.The Horse had to stand on his head to help steer the boat, and the Donkey had to hold the anchor so the boat wouldn't float away.The Whale had to be the captain, and he had to help the captain the Donkey steer the boat.It was very exciting.The Whale was very strong, and the Whale was very smart.The Whale and the Donkey pushed the boat along, and they had to drive right into a big storm, but they didn't get scared, because they knew how to save the boat.They could do it because they were really good friends.The Whale got really, really big and scary, and he made a lot of noise.Then a storm came, and the Whale started to swim under the boat.The Donkey couldn't see, and he thought the Whale was really, really, big, and scary.The Whale came up to the Donkey and said, "Don't be scared.I'm your friend, and I'll always protect you.You'll always be safe."The Donkey loved the Whale, and he believed him.He was so happy he didn't notice that the Whale had started to turn the boat around.When he thought the Whale wasn't looking he started to drink some water, and he fell in the water, and he couldn't swim, and he was lost.The Whale swam away, and the Donkey didn't have a chance to be happy because he didn't know where he was.So he started to cry, but he was happy because he knew that his friend was watching out for him.The Whale's friends were watching, and the Whale said, "Don't worry Donkey.I'll get you back.Don't worry."The Whale and the Donkey didn't lose hope, and they sailed into a pretty city on a big, big, big, big water.There was a big, big, big, big, big, big building, and the Whale and the Donkey went in and they said, "Hi!We are the biggest whales and donkeys in all of the whole world.We just wanted to visit you because we really, really want to be your friends.Can you be our friends?"And the people in the big, big, big, big, big, big, big building said, "I will be your friend."They said, "Please come in."So the Whale and the Donkey went inside.The Whale looked for the shortest route to the place where you go to Heaven.He walked all over and he looked in every door.He saw lots of birds, cats, dogs, sheep, horses, and he even saw a lot of people.He told the Donkey, "I found Heaven, and it's not that far away from here.You can come too.It's just another right turn."The Donkey said, "I will stay here, because I like it here."Then they said goodbye to each other.The Whale and the Donkey went into Heaven, and they were happy and they got everything they wanted.The Whale got lots of ice cream and the Donkey got lots of food.They sat at the same table and ate every single last piece of food they could eat.Then they both went to sleep.The Whale got to be on the far left side of the wall, and the Donkey got to be on the far right side of the wall.The Whale and the Donkey slept, and they didn't even remember their friends.Then the Whale woke up, and he saw the Donkey.He said, "Hey Donkey, how's it going?Are you having a good day?How are your friends?"The Donkey was so happy, he forgot about his friends and he ate a big meal.Then he said, "Do you know how big and big and big and big and big Heaven is?"Then the Whale laughed.The Whale said,

I ran out of free words after that.

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